Premature (Drarry)(Re-Written with different Ship)

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It was two thirty four in the morning when Harry Potter was woken up by his boyfriend. Draco Malfoy was 25 weeks pregnant, yet, given he was male, he had to be careful he didn't accidentally go into premature labour. Of course, life had other plans. Draco had gotten his first contraction at about nine at night, and they were progressively getting worse.

He shook his partner awake, who sat up, mumbling, "What?"

Draco panted and whined loudly.

"Baby, what's wrong?!"

Draco took a deep breath as the contraction ended, and tried to explain to Harry what was going on without making him worry too much.

"Um. Harry. I- I- I think I sent myself into labour last night."

"What?!" Harry cried, grabbing onto Draco's shoulder.

"I- I- I'm sorry..."

"I'm not mad at you!"


Harry was about to say something when Draco whimpered, gripping onto his lover's shoulders.

"Shh. It's okay. Breath Baby. Breath. There you go."

Draco sighed deeply as it passed, and lied his head on Harry's shoulder.

"I know it hurts baby. Let's go back to sleep, okay? You need your rest."

"Can-Can you ch-ch-..." Draco's face went bright red, unable to finish asking the question.

"Do you want me to check?"

Draco nodded, signalling to Harry to check his dilation.

Harry slipped Draco's briefs off, spreading his legs, and pushed two fingers into his swollen anus.

Draco cried out and arched his back, "Harry!"

"Shh... I know... I know... It hurts, I know..."

Draco whimpered in response. Harry left his fingers there for another ten seconds before slipping them out, Draco visibly relaxing.

"You're at about 7, baby. Has your water broken yet?"

Draco shook his head, sighing.

"Let's take a little nap so you can save your energy."

Draco nodded, pulling Harry down with him and lying his head on his chest, closing his eyes.
----------------//Time Skip\\-------------------
There was a sharp pain, a gush, and a cry.

"HARRY!!" Draco screamed, and Harry shot up.

"Dray!? What's wrong?!"

"M-my water broke!!!" The pain was much worse now, almost unbearable.

"Alright! Alright! Do- Do you really think you have to push?" Harry asked, trying hard not to scare Draco anymore than he already was.

Draco nodded his head, and screamed as another contraction wracked his lower body. Harry nodded and threw the blanket off of them, and getting Draco into the perfect birthing position.

He propped Draco up in a sitting position and spread his legs, open and wide, to get a perfect view for when the head begins to crown.

"I don't wanna!!" Draco cried, "It hurts! I don't wanna!!"

"Shh..." Harry soothed, "Dray, your body is trying so hard to free the child that has been living inside you for 6 months. Love, you have to push to get our baby out. Don't fight it. Go with your instincts and push."

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