Born To Make History (VictUuri)

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I feel the air pass by me as I skate. I have to win.

For Viktor.

"Perfect double axel! But can he land his next jump?!"

I'm about to jump when out of the corner of my eye, I see something that makes me stop moving altogether.

My husband, across the rink, clutching his stomach.

Viktor is almost nine months pregnant, and he was getting some pretty bad cramps earlier. I told him to stay home, but he insisted that they had stopped and that he needed to come with me.

Clearly, he fed me lies, and I was stupid enough to believe his bullshit.

I immediately skate over to him, stepping off the ice and placing my hand on his bump. He asks me what the hell I'm doing, and I tell him that I'm taking him to the hospital. He looks angry, but I can see the fear hidden behind his fury.

"Viktor. I know you're in labour. You know you're in labour. How about we go to the hospital so that you can get some pain killers and proper treatment?"

Tears well up in his eyes, "I-I'm so scared, Y-Yuuri..."

I wrap my arms around him, holding him tight, "I know, Love. But remember, we're going to get a beautiful baby out of this."

I reach up to wipe the tears off of my lover's face. He's so distraught that I don't want to leave him to tell the judges that I have to go.

But alas, I can't do that.

I pull away from him, telling him I'll be right back. He nods, and I press a soft kiss to his lips before skating away.

I rush over to the judges, and they all start asking me questions. I explain to them that my husband is in labour and that I will be unable to finish my routine. Two of them seem to understand, while the other gives me a weird look.


"Yes. My husband. Now, may I go take him to the hospital?"

"Do you really think we'd believe that? Just admit it if you're scratching."

I point to Viktor, "You're going to tell me that he's not pregnant? You're telling me that every sonogram, every blood test, every ultrasound, and every doctor's appointment was fake?"

She seems to decide that it's not worth arguing, and they shoo me away. I race back to my husband, who's still crying.

"Do you want to stay here while I get changed or do you want to come with me?"

"C-Come with you..."

I nod, wrapping my arm protectively around his waist. I lead him to the locker room and start to change out of my costume. I hear him let out a quiet gasp, and look up to see him clutching his bump. I jump up, one skate still on, and hold him gently, stroking his bump through the pain.

"Yuuri..." He groans, leaning heavily on me.

I stumble a little but still manage to hold him up, rubbing his back.

"You're okay." I whisper, "You're okay."

I feel the muscles in his abdomen relax, and he slumps into a chair. I kiss his forehead and finish getting changed, telling him how much I love him. He glares at me, and I ask him what I did wrong.

"You did this to me."

I start laughing. Of course he'd be mad about me knocking him up.

"And that was nine months ago."

"Well, I'm feeling the effects now."

"You've been feeling the effects for a long time, Love."

"You know what I mean!"

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