Its Our Secret (Severames) Part Three

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I watch James leave, and l lower my hand to my stomach. I would have never thought in a million years that I would have a child. I read something years ago about the Prince family, the Black family, and the Malfoy family being cursed. Years ago, there weren't enough females to keep these noble families going, and a curse was placed where men can become pregnant to re-populate. I guess it was never lifted.

I hear voices coming up the stairs, and panic, falling off the bed.

"James?" Black yells.

I scramble to my feet, becoming face to face with James' friends.


I race out of the room, Black following me. I trip, and fly down the stairs, but quickly stand up again. There's a pulsing pain in my stomach, and I try my hardest not to throw up. I throw the portrait door open, and slam into a body I recognize very well. I'm knocked to the ground, and I look up to see a very concerned James looking down at me.

"What are you doing, Sev?"

I point at Black, and James looks up and sees his best friend, and his eyes narrow.

"What did you do?"

"I just chased him out! What the fuck is he doing in there!"

"I put him there!"

Black freezes, looking down at me. James lifts me into his arms, and I hold onto him. He presses his lips to my head, and I sigh.


"We've been together for two years, Sirius (My dog's name is Sirius in case anyone cares). Why do you think I always disappear whenever you hurt Severus?"

"I-I never thought about it."


My stomach turns, and I groan into James' neck.


"I'm really nauseous..."

"Do you have to throw up?"

I shake my head, groaning again.

"Let's get you to bed, Hun. You can't possibly still want food."

I agree, "It'll make me throw up."

James pushes past Black and brings me to his bed. Lupin is standing there, staring at us.

"Don't act like you didn't suspect anything, Rem."

"I-I did, b-but I thought you were with Lily."

He turns to him, "You think I'd date a girl?"

"I didn't even know you were gay!"

"You never told me and I know you're gay!"

"I am not!"

"I walked in on you fucking Sirius."

"Shut up!" I hear a voice from the doorway, "I was fucking him!"

"As if! You're more of a bottom than Nymphadora!"

I laugh, and Black glares at me.

"I bet you're a fucking bottom, Snape!"

I laugh again, looking down at my stomach.

"Speaking of me being a bottom..." I look up at James, signaling to my abdomen.

"Sirius, Remus. I have to tell you something." James says, seeing what I'm looking at.

"What's up, James?" The taller of the two asks.

"I'm going to be a father."

They both look at me bewildered, and I smile, putting my hand on my abdomen.

"Wh-What?" Lupin studders, and Black just sighs.

"Seriously, James? Did you not know about the curse?"

James shakes his head, and Lupin asks what he's talking about. He explains, and Lupin's eyes bulge.

"Are you a fucking idiot, Sirius?!"


"That night last month! When we were both drunk! You begged me not to wear a condom, Dumbass!"

All colour drains from Black's face, and he stutters out a question, asking for confirmation that that'd actually happened. Upon seeing Lupin nod, he hurries out of the room, with Lupin following. I sigh, shaking my head.

"I made the same mistake. I should have told you about the curse."

"I wouldn't call it a mistake. Just a happy accident."

I smile, beckoning him over. He climbs into the bed with me and wraps his arm around my back. I lean against him, and feel him tense up.

"Severus? Where did these bruises come from?"

"Nowhere, James. I'm fine."

"Did Sirius fucking hurt you, again?"

"No, James!"

"Then tell me why you're covered in bruises!"

"I tripped!"


I sigh, "I fell down the stairs."

"You fell down the- How?!"

"Black was chasing me."

He sighs, "Are you in any pain?"

I shake my head, smiling at my boyfriend.

"Don't lie to me, Severus."

"I'm just nauseous, that's all."

He sighs, running his fingers through my hair, "Alright. Go to sleep."

I nod, falling into a deep sleep in my boyfriends arms.

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