(O.C)~ Part two

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I wouldn't let Carlos go to the funeral. I knew it wouldn't be safe. His family blamed him for the death of his mother, and there are many people who may have wanted to hurt him.

He agreed that he shouldn't go, but on the day of the funeral, freaked out, had two panic attacks, and tried as hard as he could to get out of the house and to the church.


"Matty!" Carlos screamed at me, trying to get out of the house.

I sighed and held on to him tighter, pulling him away from the door.

Pushing him onto the bed, I held him down, making sure my stomach was out of his reach. He was flailing, and I really didn't want him hurting our child.

After I said this, he went limp, tears rolling down his face. His bottom lip trembled, and he whimpered out a light, "Sorry."

End Memory

It was hard making sure that Carlos was alright. He was depressed more often, and I didn't want him hurting himself. At this point I was seven months pregnant, nearing my due date. The doctors didn't expect me to carry to full term, and said my child would likely be delivered at about seven and a half to eight months. With my hormones and false contractions, I was also moody.


I sigh deeply, rubbing my stomach. I had been getting consistent pains since this morning. I open the door to my room, seeing my boyfriend laying there asleep. He sleeps a lot. Possibly more than me. His depression is really out of control, to a point where I'm afraid he's going to do something he'll regret. I sit on the bed, considering whether or not to crawl in with him. He jerks, whimpering lightly, and I decide against it. I waddle out to the couch, and lay down on it. I get myself comfortable, and fall into a light sleep.

I'm awoken hours later by a sharp pain in my abdomen. I stifle a groan, as not to wake Charlie, and clutch my stomach.

I stand, slowly making my way into the bedroom. I open the door, only to see Carlos crying. I sigh and leave the room, going back out to the couch. I lay there for hours, stifling cries and screams, as the contractions get worse.

I'm definitely in labour.

I curl my toes, clutching the pillow. A loud groan escapes my clenched teeth. I feel a pop, and then a release of pressure. I sigh in relief, before realizing that my pants are soaked.

My water broke.

Another contraction hits and I can't help the cry that leaves my mouth. I hear footsteps down the hallway, and Carlos comes into the living room.


He runs up to me, and I curl in on myself.

He lifts me into his arms and carries me to our bedroom. I sob in pain from the movement, and hold him close. He places me on the bed. I curl into a fetal position, whimpering.

"What the hell is going on?"


"Matthew! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Y-you were crying ag-gain, I d-didn't want to b-bother you..."

He sighs and cups my face, "You don't bother me. If you need help, tell me."

He kisses me deeply.

After pulling away, he looks me in the eyes and says, "I'm sorry I haven't been here for you. It was selfish of me to wallow in self-pity while you were carrying my child. I'm sorry, Baby..."

I smile lightly, kissing him again, before another pain hits. I cry out, pushing him away from me.


"I know it does, Baby, but you have to breath through it."

"Get it out of me!"

I feel like I'm being ripped apart. Arching my back, I let out a loud cry, clutching my abdomen.

When it passes, I go limp on the bed, Carlos holding me gently.

More and more contractions come, until about three hours later, I feel an urge to push on top of the tightening. Carlos helps me out of my boxers, and spreads my legs... I whimper, resisting the urge to push.


He goes into our dresser and grabs some lube. He puts the slick substance on his first two fingers, before slipping them into my tender opening. I close my eyes, breathing deeply. I'm about to have a baby.

He slips his fingers out and tells me to push. I obey, grunting loudly in effort. It hurts. It feels like my pelvis is being broken by my organs that are being ripped out.

When the contraction ends, I collapse, panting hard. I've never felt anything so painful. I continue this torturous process for hours, without much progress, until all of a sudden I feel a shift.


"Come on, Baby! You can do it!"


"Shh... You're okay, Matt."

I feel a sharp burning in my anus, and let out screech.

"I can see the baby, Matty!"

I push hard, trying hard not to cry.

Within minutes, the head is out, and I push hard to free myself of the shoulders. The baby slips out, and I collapse backwards onto the bed, my vision going dark. 


I slowly wake, wincing at the pain in my body. I moan lightly, opening my eyes. 


Carlos runs to me, kneeling beside our bed, "Hi, Baby. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit..."

"I know, Love. That's normal."

I blink, confused, before everything clicks. I had the baby. 

I try to sit up, crying out in pain. 

"No! No! No! Let me help you!" Carlos yells as he helps me into a sitting position. 

He hands me the baby, who had been residing in a crib we keep in the corner of our room. I look at it, and move the blanket slightly. 

It's a boy.

Tears roll down my face, and I smile. Carlos does too. 

Our family is complete, and we don't need anyone else. 

"I love you, Matty."

"I love you, too, Carlos."

Aaron Charles Flores

Born at 10:47 pm

6 pounds, nine ounces

17 inches long

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