Back Pain (Drarry)

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Warning! Smut!

Male pregnancies in the Wizarding World are pretty tough. They're excruciatingly painful all the way through and leave the pregnant wizard exhausted and moody.

I sigh upon hearing a heavy sob from the bathroom, rolling out of bed and looking over at the alarm clock. 7:30 am. I follow the crying to our attached bathroom, knowing what to expect. There, I find my husband, Draco Malfoy-Potter, leaning over the sink, clutching his back with one hand and holding onto the ceramic with the other.

"Draco, love?" I ask, walking up to him.

"H-Hurts s-so much, Harry..."

"I know it does, but you're over half-way there."

I place my hand on his small bump, smiling at him. His face is stained with tears, but he still manages a smile back.

"Come on, love. Let's get you into bed."

He nods, allowing me to support him at he walks. He lets out broken whimpers with every step, his hand glued to his back. I help him get into bed and cover him with a blanket. He lets out a light sob, burying his face in the pillows. I sit down next to him, placing one of my hands on his bump.

"P-Pain reliever..." Draco mutters, sniffling and wiping his nose on the pillowcase.

I nod, standing and walking down the stairs to the potions cupboard. I let out a frustrated groan when I realize that we're out of pain-relieving potions.

I ring up Hermione, requesting that she go grab me some so I don't have to leave Draco. Fortunately for me, her girlfriend recently broke her arm, and she needed to pick some up anyway.

"I know this is kind of rude, but can you be fast? Draco's in a lot of pain."

"He'll be fine Harry. I have some other things to do and then I'll grab some."


"Harry. I have a daughter. I know what it's like. Malfoy will be fine."

"You know it's not the same, Hermione."

She starts to say something, but I cut her off, telling her I have to go as I hear Draco let out a cry upstairs. Whatever he's doing must be very painful.

"I'll see you later, Harry."

I thank my best friend and hang up the phone, going back upstairs to Draco. I find him on his hands and knees on the bed, whimpering in pain.


"F-Fuck off."

Kneeling on the bed, I begin to rub his back, "No, Love. I'm not going to fuck off."

"Wh-Where's my potion?"

"We're out. Hermione is picking some up."

He groans, dropping his head, "I-I hope she's f-fast."

"I told her to hurry, but she doesn't seem to understand how painful this is for you. She thinks it's similar to her pregnancy."

"B-But it's not."

"I know it's not, Love. I'm so sorry you have to go through this."

"I-I'll b-be okay, soon. I j-just need to r-rest my b-back."

I sigh, helping him shift onto his side. He closes his eyes, and I can see how frail he looks. Draco is very young to be pregnant. Most males don't conceive until they are in their mid-thirties. Draco just turned 23 last June. It's currently November, making him not even 23 and a half.

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