Roadtrips (Wolfstar)

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An- This is going to be weird writing. I named my dog after Sirius Black 🤣 Sorry Siri!
(Also, look up Bus Invaders Waterparks. That's the kind of van they're on.)

"Are you sure you want to come with us? You're eight months pregnant."

"James. I'll be fine. I'm not due for another three weeks."

"Famous last words."

The four friends climbed into the bus, with Remus helping his very pregnant boyfriend with the step up.

"I'm really glad we hired someone to drive. Wouldn't want to have one of us up there alone while the others have fun." Peter said, smiling.

"Yeah, as if I could drive." Sirius laughed, sitting down heavily on a couch and placing a hand on his bump.

Remus smiled, sitting next to Sirius and pulling the elder into his lap. Sirius laughed and cuddled into his boyfriend, sighing happily.

James smiled, telling the driver to get going, and they were off. They drove across the country, crossing over into Ireland, and saw how beautiful it was.

As the hours turned to days, Remus became increasingly worried about Sirius. The pregnant teen hadn't left his bed all day, and Remus was suspicious.

"Sirius." He called, hoping to get his attention but not expecting an answer, as it was about 1 am.

He heard walking down the small hall connecting the beds and the rest of the bus and turned to see his boyfriend looking exhausted.

"Come here."

Sirius nodded, padding over to the couch. Before he had a chance to sit, a strong pain took over him, and he yelped, collapsing into Remus.

"Sirius!" The wolf pulled his boyfriend onto his lap, holding him close.

James and Peter both rushed out from their bunks and saw how much pain Sirius seemed to be in.


"Shh... You're okay. You're okay."

James and Peter had no idea what was going on, but Remus was almost positive he knew what was happening.

Sirius was in labour.

"Sirius. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I'm s-scared... I d-didn't want to b-believe it."

"What are you talking about?!" James asked, confused.

"Sirius is in labour, and, by the looks of it, has been for a while."

He sighed, rubbing his boyfriend's stomach. There wasn't much he could do now except comfort his lover.

"Wait. But you don't look like you're in any pain."

"I-I mean, I a-am in a bit of p-pain, but I'm n-not having a c-contraction right n-now. They're o-on and off."

James nodded his understanding, and Peter disappeared to go tell the driver to take them to the nearest hospital.

"How far apart are they?" Remus asked, hoping for a large number.

"Like five minutes..."

"Sirius! How long have you been in labour?!"

"12 hours..."

"Are you fucking stupid?!"

"I'm sorry! It hurts so fucking bad! I just wanted to pretend it wasn't really happening!"

Remus sighed, pressing a kiss to Sirius' head. How could he be mad? Sirius was going through agony comparable to a transformation during a full moon just to bring him a child.

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