#4 - Mommy

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Why did you leave Mommy?

You left me and Daddy all alone.

If you left because of me, I'm sorry!

Please just give us a phone.

You barely visit me Mommy,

I haven't seen you for so long.

Why do you have to anger Daddy?

In my heart you used to belong.

Two years and nothing Mom,

all of a sudden I get a letter

it attacked my life like a bomb.

When did I get a new sister?

I hated her at first, Mom

she would steal you from me.

You won't go to my prom

but you'll happily have her in the family tree!

You aren't human, you are thing,

I can't see you as Mommy, Mom, or Mother.

My hate for you is peaking

with me nothing but them you smother!

I don't see you as Mother anymore

just someone I visit rarely.

for my aching heart is sore

because of you I love barely.

I refuse to love, worry, or care,

I don't know love and I don't understand.

For me to love outside family is rare

my love life is extremely bland.

I hope you realise monster

the way you've effected my life.

Nothing good, you've worsened,

from you I just need an answer!

So dear thing I must say hello

and how do you do today?

You're spirit's colour has to be yellow

because to me you're a coward in every single way.


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Thanks again,

GKGarrington xxxx

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