Happy Nan's day everyone!
Today is the day where we
celebrate Nan's even if they're in heaven,
today always fills me with glee!
Wait, what did you say?
You don't have Nan's day?
You've got Mother's day?
You're with your Mom's all day?
Well I'm afraid I don't
have a Mother to celebrate
with, I have a Nan who I won't
live without, she's my best mate.
I remember her saying goodnight,
I remember her shouting at me,
I remember her operations for her sight,
I remember her cooking Indian with ghee,
I remember her hugging me better,
I remember her laughing with me,
I remember her support when I got her letter,
I remember her remedies when I was first stung by a bee,
I remember her letting me sleepover her house,
I remember her helping me and Dad financially,
I remember her hating each and every mouse,
I remember her loving me substantially.
So forgive me, but I don't feel
that way about my Mother,
I don't our "bond" is that real,
I feel I go to visit her for my sister and brother.
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GKGarrington xxxx