{3} Pain and Glory {3}

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     Courtneys POV 12:00 midnight
I walk out into the hall and sit there, outside of steve's door (I'm gonna make a layout for you guys soon DW!) I had a dream, a bad dream. I was Bucky, in HYDRA. Being tourtured. They strapped 'me' down onto a table and plugged wires into my head. The pain was so immense, I woke up shaking. I knew I had had the same dream as Bucky... Sometimes reading minds sucks. The hall was dark, but not to dark, all the sudden the Far hall light turned on. I looked down the hall (only two doors down) and saw Bucky.
"Can't sleep either?" He asked.
"No, I read your mind on accident when you were asleep and had your dream." I pulled my legs closer to my chest.
"Oh my... I'm so sorry." He sat next to me. "There's some thing I should tell you..."
"Don't! Don't say it... It'll be awkward won't it."
"Yep! You're just her best friend I think you should be the first to know if anything happens to her."
"Second! I should be the second to know, you come first."
"You're right. I just feel really bad..."
"Okay, now focus on what happened and I'll take it... Be careful okay!" I laughed. He breathed deeply and focused on the thought...
May might be pregnant all cause of me. I totally forgot till after.
"You'll be fine, I know Maybel. If she was gonna get..." I look around us "you know, she would want it to be with you! And anyways you'll be a great dad..." I whispered. A single tear fell from his eye and we hugged for what seemed like forever...
May's POV 5:00 am
I woke up frantically. Bucky wasn't next to me, JESUS MY STOMACH!!! I hoped of the bed and ran into the bathroom to throw up. I threw up into the toilet, and A LOT!!!
"BUUUCKYY!!!" I shouted, I felt like I was dieing... I fell to the bathroom ground. Then the door opened
"MAY!!!" Bucky grabbed me. Bruce. He's takeing me to Bruce. He ran down the hall to Bruce's room...
"Doll, I'm gonna have to sit you on the ground okay?" He was so worried
"Mmh" I managed to squeak out. He started knocking on Bruce's door.
"MAY NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION!!" They screamed through the door, everything was slowly going...
"TAKE HER TO THE OFFICE ILL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!!" He picked me up and rushed me to The Medical Office. Bruce wasn't necessarily a doctor, but he was the only one close enough in the tower to work the center. Bucky sat me down on the bed.
"I'm gonna go get Courtney okay, I'll be right back!" He said as he kissed my forehead. About not.2 seconds Courtney was next to me... Superspeed. Then Bucky came in and grabbed my hand.
~~~~~~~ 20 minutes later
Bucky's POV.
"You can come back in now!" Bruce called into the Common Room from the talk Box in the Medical Office. Me and Courtney stood up and rushed down the east hall to May. She was still Passed out or asleep on the bed.
"What's the Analysis?" I ask. He looked to Courtney
"You tell him..." Court was almost blown back by the info she had revived from Bruce.
"Come with me." She said waving me outside. We walked out into the hall till Bruce couldn't see us. "May isn't pregnant don't worry" I exhale "but she is really sick. And Bruce can't find why."
"If you didn't find her she would surely be dead. She's in critical condition, but withe advanced tech we have she'll be fine." A tear rolled down my check.
"Have you seen Steve at all today?"
"no. Why?" I had to tell him. Maybe not now, I should stay with May.
"SHES AWAKE!" Courtney looked up at me quickly. I quickly ran down the hall.
"Alfa instincts?" Bruce asked
"No, Courtney!" I sneered as I grabbed May's hand
"Hey baby!" I said a tear still rolling down my face.
"Bucky, Why are you crying?" I look up at Bruce to see if I should tell her, he nodded.
"You're sick, and I just love you a lot that's all." roll down my face as I hugged May.
"Don't cry honey... When will I be better??" She asked.
"With our tech you'll be okay by Tomorrow morning. But you won't be able to go on missions for a week." I looked into her soft green eyes.
"We'll be fine" Courtney said.
"Don't worry Doll, you need rest" I smoothing her hair down.
Damn this is getting too emotional and Bruce is just stand ing there like "hey you GUUUUYYYSSS!!!!"
~~~~~~~ Maybel's POV 8:00 pm, only Court, Steve, and Wanda know about what happened.
"You are so beautiful." He gave me a kiss and rubbed my sides (XD awwwwe) then the alarm rang, another mission. I reached for my suit instinctively.
"Oh no you don't!" Bucky says.
"What did you train me for? Nothing??"
"No, I won't risk you getting hurt!"
"I'm not going to get hurt, I'll be fine!"
"Okay, as long as you take it easy and do as I say."
"Deal!" I smiled and slipped on my suit. Witch DOESN'T LOOK LIKE NAT'S OKAY!
Bucky's POV 8:30 PM location: Downtown NY, enemy: HYDRA
My ear piece ringed. I Tapped it
"Yes tony!" I angrily speak.
"Whys May here?!"
"What do you mean, she's part of the team! Right?"
"No, I heard. About what happened. I don't what her fighting!"
"Two things Stark A.) You don't own her! B.)you need to trust her more."
"Well I'm just worried she'll get h-"
"One sec tony I got a 405 over here!" 405 is man with two pistols. (A/N I did research XD) I lied I didn't have a 405, I just wanted him to shut the F*ck up about my girl. *ring* I immediately answer it, it was May.
"BUCK! I have a 2045 over here, I need back up. Notify everyone else NOW!"
"Are you hurt??"
"YES! NOW GO!!" 2045 is a firing squad... A BIG firing squad.
*bling bling bling* I call the group.
"MAYS HURT 2045 GO GO GO!!" I cock my gun and run straight to where may was set up. She was set on the edge of a Creek bridge,
"MAY!!" I shout, she wasn't hurt, she was down... Really down!
"Buck... Stop, fight I'll be fine..." She breathed. I looked to where the bullets hit her... Right. In. The. stomach.
"Nononono I won't leave you, not now, not ever. I love you May!" I pulled her head to my chest as I deflected bullets from hitting her. Then the rest of the group showed up, except Courtney.
"WHERES COURTNEY!!!" I shout to Cap over the sound metal and guns. He didn't respond...
"WHERE IS SHE??" I scream again.
"I TRIED SOLDIER I REALLY DID!" Courtney was gone.
"What?!" May said as loud as she could.
"No honey relax... You'll be fine."
"NOO!" She shouted and and he stood up pushing me off her. Her wounds were gone?! TF???
"Get up you big baby! Let's kick some ass!" She said as she pulled me up, I was still baffled by how she was still okay? I grabbed my gun and aimed, Fired. Cap threw May a pistol...
"Seriously?" She asked
"What else am I supposed to do? Pull an AK out my back pocket" (A/N this is turning into Gardians of the Galixy. XD)
"Uuuugh" she moaned. Somehow this girl isn't being pelted with bullets. She looked to Nat and Wanda, they nodded (A/N get ready this is gonna be bad ass) all three of them hoped off the bridge and landed safely. What the fuck is happening?? I look to Steve
"Beats me!" He shrugged and we continued shooting
~~~~~~ Mays POCV
I hoped of the bridge with Nat and Wanda, I don't know what is happening to my body but I like it! I grab one of the guys guns and twist it the opposite way of his wrist and punch him in the face and kick him in the stomach causing his arm to get pulled out of its socked
"OW!" He yelled
"Ha! Pussy!" I spat on him and left him to bleed out
I look over to Nat who's got a guy in a head lock with her legs, she pulled out a knife and peirced the top of his head. Right before he fell she jumped off.
"All those sit ups payed of Right, May?" She asked all I did was laugh
*beep beep* *beep beep*
I groggily open my eyes and see all white. I blink a few times and see a bright light and a Big metal machine. Am I in HYDRA?? I sit up and rock back. Feeling wires connected to my arms I try pulling them off
"Woah woah woah!!! May calm down your in the hospital." I turn to see Bucky on a couch next to me.
"Where's Courtney??"
"I'm sorry, Steve tried to save her-"
"No, no no! No! NO!"
"Shhhh honey, it's okay! get some sleep"
Hope you enjoyed <3

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