{5} James Buchanan Barnes :: The New Kid {5}

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Please watch this edit first cause it inspired this chapter! <3 song suggestion Control by Halsey, also i know i haven't written much about Vision, Thor or Falcon in this book, don't worry, i will.

 Mays POV 8:00

      I wake up to bucky not next to me.

"Bucky?!" i shout, rubbing my eyes

"Green!! Get In Here!" i heard Nat Scream, SHIT! when they call me by my last name i know its serious. i walk into the common room and see Cap, his shield behind him on the ground. Holding bucky over the balcony choking him. 

"go, Go help him calm him." Wanda said, as she shed a tear. 

"w-what happened." i ask

"That's not important right now!" Nat yelled at me. i ran outside just as Buck pulled his arm back to punch Cap. so i grab his arm.

"STOP!"  i shout

"NO!" he got out of our grip and punch Cap. he knocked out Cap and turned to me, i wasn't afraid.

"I'm not afraid of you, i'm more powerful than you'll ever be." 

"prove it." he said as he walked up to me.

"NNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" i yell as i motion my hands up from the ground and make a ball of dirt in the sky, i compact it and launch it at him. he fell to the ground but got up quickly.

"You Bitch!" he said and he punched me in the chest. he needs to calm down, i don't want to hurt him. i made a ball of fire with my hand and looked towards wanda. she smiled. and i smirked

"Listen to me. Your name is James Buchanan Barnes."

"No it's not!" he picked up his leg to kick and i ducked.

"But everyone calls you Bucky! You've been best friends with Steve since you were basically crawling." he tried to hit me again "You're a Kind man, and will do anything to save someone!"

"SHUT UP!" he attacked. i really didn't want to hurt him. but i flug the fireball. he caught it and threw it back.

"AHHH BUCKY!" i fell to the ground in complete pain and shock, then i felt arms around me, 

"i-i im so sorry..." he spoke. everything went black.


"hey, You're awake." Clint spoke. i woke up in the medical center, i've been in here to many times.

"where's bucky?" i winced in pain.

"He's in your room, he's scared about you." i assume Clint was here so Bucky could relax.

"Bring him in."

"i-i Don't  think you s-"


"yes, Ms.Green." he stood up and walked out of the room. in the past week in a half i've been training i've built up a lot more strength. but my chest wasn't strong enough for that punch, let alone the fireball. i closed my eyes and breathed, Fuck this hurt.

"h-hey." Bucky spoke. "You okay?"

"Yah, Yah i think so." i winced "Don't apologize, i know you're about too." I look at him. "How did it start."

"i woke up at 7:00 and squeezed you, like a love squeeze. and you said steve's name. i panicked like an idiot and went to steve's room. That's all i remember."

"You're not an idiot Bucky. I am."

"No, no You're not, how could you be?"

"I fucking tried to hurt you... and i should've known it would backfire... Literally" 

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