Chris laid sprawled on his couch with furrowed brows, tapping his TV remote against his bare chest. It was 1:48AM; a time Chris usually made most of with sleep. Tonight, however, he found himself sat in front of the television unconsciously watching reruns of 'The Simpsons'. There was a business meeting in need of his presence in exactly five hours and forty-two minutes, so what was he doing? That wasn't a difficult question to answer. Chris couldn't sleep because he had too much on his mind, like the fact Denise was yet to read the letter he'd left at her apartment. It was nerve wrecking. He'd left his innermost thoughts and raw feelings in her hands to do with what she wanted. He was the most vulnerable he'd been in a while, which made him wonder how she entrusted her innermost thoughts and raw feelings with strangers every day.
The thing Chris liked about Denise's writing was her honesty, it was the one place she didn't hold back. Everything she wrote, he believed; not once had he ever felt the need to question if what she wrote was how she genuinely felt. It made it hard for him not to loop her in with her various protagonists when they shared such great similarities: who she was, how she felt, and how she spoke. It got to a point where he tried to refrain from reading her writing until he figured out the basis of his feelings; 'tried' being the keyword as he caved every time a notification popped up on his phone informing him she'd posted for the day. It concerned him that he wasn't capable of separating fiction from reality, hence why it took as long as it did for him to admit he was in-love with her.
Chris wasn't naïve. He understood she perfected her characters in ways she couldn't perfect herself, but it didn't change the way he felt about her. He was a flawed human being too, yet she kept him up on the pedestal he'd repeatedly tried to step down from. She had the rare ability to love blindly without judgement; it was what he believed they called unconditional love. It was rare and he felt immensely fortunate to be on the receiving end of such a powerful emotion. He wanted to match that, and he did effortlessly because she was to him as he was to her: utter perfection. As cliché as the saying was, they were indeed a match made in heaven.
Sadly the angels could only match them together, it was completely up to them once they were sent to earth. The journey would've been easier if Father Time didn't make the mistake of adding sixteen years between them. It was a misfortune, the slow progression they were enduring. It was slightly ironic that a lack of honesty was the reason they weren't a couple yet. If they'd sat down and discussed their fears and concerns like they would've in her stories, they wouldn't be in the complication they were currently in. But that was the difference between a story and real life, there was an inability to control and plan everything accordingly.
Since Chris left said letter at said apartment, with each hour that ticked by- he'd been texting Luca asking if Denise had read it yet. Each time, he'd get a text back from Luca telling him the same thing: "she's not home yet." It finally got to the ninth hour at 11:00PM that he stopped texting Luca and texted Denise instead, not to ask about the letter but to see if she was okay. Her response brought forth the other thing that was keeping him up.
Chris had no idea what Denise meant by "I'm perfect." He asked himself if she was perfect because her date with Sam went well, or if she was perfect because she'd read his letter and was happy because she felt the same way. He doubted it was the latter, she couldn't have read the letter already; she wouldn't have just texted if she'd read it. He knew her well and he knew she would've called if she'd read it. Unless she didn't feel the same way, or had changed her mind about him since she heard about Scarlett, and went on her date with Sam. He cussed because he knew he should've addressed the rumor the second it came out. If he'd talk to Denise instead of laughing about it with Scarlett over the phone, he wouldn't be in his current predicament. He wanted to pass the blame on to the media as it was what he was used to, but he didn't because he understood this time the fault was his to retain.

Fated (A Chris Evans Series)
RomanceMeet Denise Hogan, a nineteen year old aspiring screen writer who writes fan fiction about Chris Evans in her spare time. Meet Chris Evans, a thirty-five year old actor who reads fan fiction about himself in his spare time. What happens when he meet...