The Morning After

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It was a dream come true for Chris to roll over and find Denise asleep next to him. He was so sure about the future he wanted to have with her that he woke, smiling at what transpired a few hours ago. It was a first for him; he'd never woken next to his previous girlfriends and lovers feeling so at peace with himself. He always had doubt. He always felt insecure about the longevity of the relationship. He frequently found himself asking the questions: "Is this going to be another on again and off again relationship?" and "Can I be happy for the rest of my life with her?" So far he'd never been able to say "no" to the first, and "yes" to the second. That was, of course, until Denise came along; with her, he could easily and swiftly answer both questions to satisfaction.

"I'm the luckiest man on the planet," Chris whispered to himself as he gently brushed Denise's hair out of her face. She stirred under his touch but remained asleep. He smiled as he pulled his hand back, tucking it under his head. He watched her sleep. She was so beautiful that he could've remained admiring her restful state for the rest of his life. "Thank you for her." He glanced up at the ceiling and whispered, giving a two finger salute to the omnipotent force responsible for bringing them together.

Chris could've, and very much so wanted to stay and watch Denise sleep, but he decided he'd be a good host and make breakfast so she could wake up to food. They needed it after all the energy they burned during their bedroom activities, though it did not just stop at the bedroom. Chris blushed in reminiscent. He'd never would've guessed from looking at her. Denise had the 'good-girl-perfect-student-favorite-child' kind of vibe going on. It was her stories that exposed her conservative nature as a façade. She was a wild one who knew when and where to be Grace Kelly, and the bedroom not being one of those places. She was all kinds of surprising and he planned to spend the rest of his life unveiling each layer of her until he knew her down to her very core.

The weight shifted on the bed and Denise opened her eyes. She hadn't been asleep, she'd actually woke before Chris. She feigned sleep to see what he would do and say, and she was happy to report the result did not disappoint her. She smiled and admired his back as he sat on the edge of the bed. Chris ran a hand through his disheveled hair- her doing, of course- then glanced back at her. She could've said good morning, but instead she promptly shut her eyes and cursed herself for being so unbelievably awkward. It wasn't until she felt the weight shift on the bed that she spoke, drawing a grin from him as he turned back to her.

"Running out on me, Captain?"

"Oh darling, I wouldn't dream of it," he winked.

Denise giggled as she sat up, holding his sheet against her body. Chris smiled and walked over to her side of his bed and sat down by her feet, licking his lips. Neither knew what to say, but their smiles were deafening. She finally laughed, covering her blushing face with one hand which made him laugh. She was adorable to him, increasingly so. He reached for her wrist and gently pulled her hand away from her face, resting it on the bed. He smiled brightly at her as he joined his fingers with hers; she mirrored that smile and gave his hand a light squeeze.

"I am really happy," he divulged.

"I am really happy too," she agreed.

There was a brief moment of comfortable silence before he began to address what had happened between them. "You're quite the firecracker, Miss Hogan." He decided to keep things playful and teased her. She laughed in response, pulling her hand from his. She threw herself back into his bed and buried her face in his pillow that now smelt like a concoction of their scents. "C'mon, baby," he cooed, a tender hand rested on her lower back. "That's a compliment."

"I know." Her head was at an angle as she gnawed her lower lip; her hair cascaded over her shoulder and framed her pretty face. He let out a satisfied sigh under his breath, admiring her. "This is weird, right?" She quizzed and he raised a brow, prompting an explanation. "You're my celebrity crush," she stated and he nodded in acknowledgment. "Like- I spent a lot of my time writing fan fiction about you."

"Incredible fan fiction." His hand absentmindedly, soothingly, ran up and down her back. The feeling was something to be savored, but she sat up and he withdrew his hand. "Why's it weird?" He asked, fingers gently tucking her hair behind her ear as he brushed her cheek with his thumb. "Did last night not live up to your imagination?"

"My imagination could not have lived up to last night," she giggled and he chuckled; his cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling. "No, I mean- it's weird because this is like a dream come true for me. I am a nobody, Chris." The statement made his lips purse; he hated it because she was everything to him. "Who gets to date their celebrity crush?"

"You," he answered, "and me when you become a famous, Oscar winning screen writer." She smiled and reached for his face, brushing his cheek with her thumb. Her smile stretched when he turned and kissed her palm. "Please don't call yourself a nobody anymore, you know I hate it when you do that," he reminded her.

"Right," she nodded, "sorry." He shrugged, wrapping his hand around her wrist. It seemed to be the thing for all new couples, having to constantly touch the other; it had a calming effect they didn't want to abstain from. "Just out of curiosity," Denise began and Chris' facials waited, "what happens to Tumblr now?"

"What do you mean?"

"We're dating now, right?" She asked and he nodded. "So what does that mean for my writing? Surely you don't want me to write about-" she gestured between them, "this anymore. I mean- before that we were just friends so it wasn't really...Y'know, personal. But now we're a couple and-" she cut herself off, wiggling her mouth. He hadn't displayed any facial expressions that could tell her what he had on his mind. "Is it different?"

He thought about it for a while, then answered with a smile. "It is," he nodded. "But not everything has to be different, we can be the only thing that's going to be different." He told her and she cocked her head in bewilderment. "I'm trying to tell you you don't have to stop writing about us. Well-" he caught and corrected himself, chuckling, "the reader and Chris." She giggled at his correction. "Your writing is the reason we're together right now, it would be disrespectful to just toss it aside. I think that as long as we have ground rules, we should be fine."

"Trust me," she cupped his face in her hands, "I am going to be incredibly selfish with the details I find out about you." A stream of air was exhaled through his nostrils as he held back his urge to laugh. "Thank you for letting me continue. I know my life is as perfect as it can be right now, but I still have the tendency to want to run off into my writing."

"I know," he nodded. "As do I," he winked and she smiled. "Anyway," she withdrew her hands as he got his feet. "Shall we go make some breakfast?" He walked over to his dresser so he could get her of his t-shirts to wear. "There's a food fight story you wrote that I love." He grabbed and tossed his favorite red t-shirt across the room, which she caught and slipped over her body. "And I wouldn't mind if we reenacted it."

"Of course you wouldn't," she laughed and took the hand he was holding out. "Is that what our entire relationship is going to be?" She quizzed as he pulled her to her feet. "Us acting out every story I've ever written?" He shrugged with a coy smile. "Didn't you say you didn't want to associate me with my stories?"

"I did and I don't," he assured her. "But you gotta cut me some slack, you based your characters on us. I can assure you this Chris wants a food fight as much as that Chris." She threw her head back with laughter and he wrapped his arms around her waist. "But does any of that matter?" He smiled when her arms found their way around his neck. "We love each other, don't we?" He asked and she nodded. "Well that's what's important."

"That's very true."

"Of course it is," he chuckled and pecked her forehead. "Now let's go make breakfast, have a food fight, and discuss our upcoming trip to Boston." She smiled when she remembered that offer was in the letter he wrote her. "Do you think you could take a week off school, or am I asking a little too much of a new girlfriend?"

"We've lived a thousand lives together," she reminded him and he laughed. "I think I can manage."

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