Sebastian and Luca returned to their apartment at 3:03PM. After they dropped Denise off, they ran a few errands of their own before heading home. Sebastian flopped on the couch to read a book whereas Luca headed for the bedroom to charge and use her phone to scroll through social media. It didn't take long for the news of the plane crash to reveal itself to her.
Luca's heart shattered when she saw what was trending: 'Delta 423 crashes in Brooklyn, authorities are yet to find survivors.' Delta 423 was Denise's flight, her best friend was on that flight. Her blurry vision stared blankly ahead, her hands trembled as she tried to process the news. "Sebastian?" Her voice barely as whimper as she tried to call out for him. "Sebastian?" She couldn't breathe, she thought she was having a heart attack. "Sebastian!" She finally found the voice to scream. Tears fell as she scrambled out of bed. She started to run out only to find Sebastian running in.
"Hey, whoa." He grasped her arms, supporting her wobbly stance. "What is it, what's wrong?" She opened her mouth but she couldn't admit what had happen to him, she couldn't admit she'd lost her best friend to a tragic plane crash. "What happened, Luca?" He pressed, brows furrowed with deep concern.
"Denise..." She trailed off breathlessly. "I don't-" She whimpered, shaking her head in disbelief. She held up her phone and he released her, taking her phone to read what she had pulled up on her screen. "Am I imagining it, Seb?" He didn't know how to answer her question, he hoped she was and that he was too. "She's not- she can't be, right?" His eyes welled too as he pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest. "Right, Seb? This is a horrible nightmare, I'm having a horrible nightmare."
"No you're not," he whispered.
"No," she sobbed into his chest.
Sebastian couldn't breathe, his heart was broken for both his best friend and his fiancée. How was this possible? All of them had just gotten the life they'd been dreaming of, how could the world be so cruel to take Denise away from that life? How could it take her, and the baby away from Chris? He needed to call Chris, he needed to check on him.
"We need to call Chris." He said and Luca nodded in agreement, struggling to hold back her tears as she tore herself away from his comforting touch. "We need to call her family too, I just-" He felt sick as he ran his hand over his mouth. "I don't know how I'm going to break it to them." Luca broke down crying again as she ran for the bathroom. "Sweetheart," he failed to stop her. The bathroom door slammed shut behind her.
Sebastian leaned back against the wall and buried his face in one hand, starting to cry himself. How was life going to proceed after Denise's death? How were Chris and Luca going to deal with her absence? Hell, how was he going to deal with her absence? The friendship they'd forged was strong enough to leave as large a hole in his chest as Chris and Luca were going to have.
He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to the kitchen counter where he'd left his phone. He lowered Luca's and picked his up. His hands shook as he dialed Chris' number. He had to take numerous deep breaths before he could put the phone against his ear. It rang once, twice, thrice; all the way until it reached his voicemail. Sebastian deduced that Chris must have already heard and had begun grieving. Sebastian knew Chris needed someone but perhaps now wasn't the best time to call.
Sebastian flinched when he heard the doorbell. It went off once, then again and again, increasingly rapid as he started to make his way over. Whoever it was, he couldn't deal right now. By the time he got to the door, the bell had run at least fifteen times and he was ready to lose his shit.
"What?!" He swung the door open. "Denise." His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. Could it be that he was hallucinating? Her plane crashed, she was meant to be dead and if not dead, then severely injured. How was she standing in front of him without so much as a scratch? "You're..." He struggled to form a sentence. "You're alive?" He hesitantly reached forward, taking one of her hands in his. He could touch her; her skin was warm and she had a pulse. "You're alive," he affirmed, pulling her into his arms.
"Seb," she clutched onto him and began to sob.
"Everything's okay, you're alive," he whispered, pressing her head against his chest. She cried harder knowing that if it weren't for Jack, she wouldn't have been; her lifeless body would've been with the rest, lost amongst the fatal wreck in Brooklyn. "What happened, Denise?" He pulled away from her and cupped her distraught face in his hand. "How are you-" He stopped, unable to utter the words "still alive?"
"I didn't get on the plane," she shook her head as she continued to cry uncontrollably. "I was about to but- there was a boy, he was crying and-" She failed to speak coherently, overwhelmed by the fact that she'd brushed death today. What was worst was knowing Chris believed she was on that plane, that she was dead. "I can't- I can't get ahold of him, Seb. He thinks I'm dead, I need to- I need to tell him I'm not." Her hands grasped his wrists tightly. "I need to tell him I'm okay, Sebastian. I need to talk to him, please."
"I know, Nise. I tried to call him earlier, he's not picking up." He told her and she started to cry harder. "Come inside first," he placed a hand on her lower back, leading her inside. He kicked the door close with his foot as he steered her towards the couch. "We're going to get ahold of him, Denise. What's important right now is you, you're alive." She nodded, trying to catch her breath which was unstable due to her crying. "You need to calm down, all this stress is not good for your baby. Everything's going to be okay," he assured her.
"Where's Luca?" Denise couldn't stop crying, she needed the comfort of her best friend. "I need to speak to Luca." She sat down on the couch, burying her face in her hands as she continued to sob.
"I'm going to go get her," Sebastian told her, giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Just breathe, okay?" Denise looked up at him, nodding. "Luca, sweetheart," he called as he walked towards the bathroom. "Luca," he knocked on the door. "Denise is fine, she's in the living room. She didn't-"
The door swung open and Luca rushed past him. The second she turned the corner and saw Denise, the invisible weight that had been crushing her heart lifted. "Denise!" She ran over as Denise rose to her feet, their arms enfolded the other into a tight hug. "I thought I lost you." They both cried into each others' shoulders. "I was so scared I'd lost you. I'm so glad you're okay, I'm so glad you're both okay."
"I can't talk to Chris," Denise told Luca, breaking down when his name left her lips. "He was right," she sat back down in defeat, whimpering. "I should've just stayed in LA." She choked out, shoulders shaking as she continued to cry. "He thinks I'm dead and I can't get ahold of him. What am I going to do? I need to talk to him."
"We're going to get ahold of him, Denise," Sebastian assured her. He quickly pulled up his contacts, he was going to call all the family and friends he had staying in Los Angeles. Someone needed to spread the good news to Chris. It didn't matter who at this point, they just needed to tell him Denise was alive and that he needed to call her. "Hey, man. I need a favor, we're trying to get ahold of Chris..." His voice trailed off as he walked off into the kitchen.
"It's going to be okay," Luca wrapped an arm around Denise, resting their heads together. "You're alive, Nise. That's all that matters right now. Hey," she gently rubbed Denise's back, moving her hair out of her face when she looked up. "Sebastian is making calls, someone will find Chris and tell him you're okay. Everything is going to be okay." Denise forced her way into Luca's arms, crying into her shoulder. "I promise." Luca kissed Denise's hair and sighed.

Fated (A Chris Evans Series)
RomanceMeet Denise Hogan, a nineteen year old aspiring screen writer who writes fan fiction about Chris Evans in her spare time. Meet Chris Evans, a thirty-five year old actor who reads fan fiction about himself in his spare time. What happens when he meet...