Sebastian and Luca sat outside Denise's dressing room, drinking bubbly and eating chocolate truffles while she tried on her first dress. The first was a Vera Wang ballgown; a brand she thought she'd never see, let alone try on. The retailer had recommended it, along with a few others she said she'd bring to Denise as soon as she was ready for them. Those were the perks of being in a fancy boutique as Chris Evans' fiancée: complimentary drinks and snacks, good service, and beautiful dresses out of a dream. Denise was happy about the latter two, whereas Sebastian and Luca were ecstatic about the former. The two were having a grand old time on the velvet couch while Denise struggled behind the door to get inside the cupcake Vera Wang called a wedding dress. It was stunning, she wasn't blind, but it wasn't a dress she found particularly easy to put on which was why-
Luca and Sebastian jumped up when they heard a loud thud accompany Denise's cuss. The bride-to-be made a serious attempt to put on the dress as gracefully and as carefully as possible, but all that overflowing material made it impossible. While trying to take a step towards the mirror, she tripped on her dress, falling forward and whacking her forehead against the mirror, creating a slight ripple effect. Luca and Sebastian quickly lowered their champagne flutes and rushed to the door.
"Owww." Denise rubbed her forehead, wincing. "Stupid dress," she muttered bitterly, slapping the puffy material. It looked innocent resting around her legs but reality proved it was an extreme tripping hazard. As beautiful as the dress was, she couldn't imagine herself wearing it on her wedding day, at least not if she wanted to get down the aisle in one piece.
"Are you okay?" Luca knocked on the door, sharing a worried look with Sebastian. They both knew their consequences if Denise returned home with an injury of any sort, they'd gotten their warning text from Chris upon her arrival: "keep my bride safe, return her to me without so much as a scratch." It was mostly humorous but there was some sense of seriousness, after all she was carrying his child now. "Nise, do you need some help?"
"I needed help five minutes ago," Denise grumbled as the door swung open.
"Sorry, we got distracted." Luca pressed her lips together and Sebastian tried not to laugh.
"This dress is a real tripping hazard." She picked up as much of the puffy material as she could, carefully measuring her steps so she wouldn't trip and fall face first. "Can you finish zipping me up? I could only reach so far." Luca nodded, quickly moving behind her to do as she'd asked.
"There you go." Luca zipped and tucked the zipper under the little slit. "Wow," she breathed when she caught her best friend's reflection in the mirror. Denise looked beautiful in the dress, even without her hair and makeup done. This was only the first dress and Luca couldn't imagine anything topping it already. "You look beautiful." She complimented.
"Agreed," Sebastian moved behind Luca, hugging her from behind. He rested his chin on her shoulder, smiling. Seeing Denise in a wedding dress was eye-opening, it was concrete proof his friend was getting married next month. He was happy for Chris, and Denise, but he was also imagining a time where it was his fiancée's turn to try out wedding dresses. Then it would've been him left out of the equation while Chris and Denise helped Luca pick her perfect dress. "I don't know how you're going to top that, you look like a Disney Princess."
"It is very pretty," Denise nodded in agreement. "But..." She trailed off, sighing.
"But you don't like it," Luca finished for her. She saw the look of disappointment in Denise's eyes when she walked out of the dressing room, it was a beautiful dress but it wasn't the one for her. "It's okay." She pulled away from Sebastian to join Denise's side. "There are plenty of other dresses in this boutique, and plenty of other boutiques in New York. We'll find something." She adjusted the skirt surrounding Denise's lower half. "It's not like your baby bump is going to restrict you, your genes are capable of hiding the fact that you're pregnant until five months. It happened for Tina, I've no doubt it'll happen for you too."
"Thanks, Lu," Denise smiled at her through the mirror.
"You're welcome." Luca returned the smile. "Now let's get you out of this dress so you can try the next one." She helped Denise with the zip, then the dress as she walked her back to the dressing room. "I'll go find you one this time, the retailer knows nothing about you." She winked and Denise smiled. "Do you want to try another Vera Wang, or do you want to move down your list of designers?"
"Honestly," Denise chuckled. "I don't care who the designer is anymore, I just want a dress that suits me." Luca nodded and closed the door behind Denise, she took Sebastian's hand and they went in search of another dress. Denise found it was surprisingly easier to get out of the dress than it was to get in. She slipped on the complimentary silk robe and walked out to sit on the chaise lounge, grabbing her phone off the glass coffee table. She had no intentions to show Chris anything but she still kept him in the loop.
Tried one, didn't suit. Luca and Seb are getting me another one.
Her phone chimed not seconds after she sent her message. Her heart ached slightly knowing Chris was just waiting by his phone to talk to her. She wished he could've been where she was too, but she didn't want to break traditions and ruin the biggest surprise for a groom on their wedding day. She read his response: "wow, you're trusting Sebastian Stan to pick your wedding dress?" And she felt slightly better knowing he could still joke.
Sebastian has great taste, he's marrying my best friend after all.
And I'm marrying you, but I still have a stylist. So what's your point?
Denise giggled and typed her response as she wandered away from the couch, absentmindedly browsing through the dresses in her vicinity. She caught sight of the label on one of the dresses which informed her she was browsing through a rack of Elie Saab. The man was a designer she'd loved for a few years now. She always saw his dresses as works of art, all so delicate, intricate, and detailed in their designs. Just as she was about to hit send, she glanced away from her phone to look at the dress she was feeling the satin material of. She felt her breath hitch in her throat and she quickly lowered her phone onto the carpeted floor so she could pull the dress from the rack. She thought she was hallucinating. It seemed impossible that the dress currently in her hand was the exact same dress she'd fallen in-love with at the age of sixteen. It was an item she loved so much, she felt compelled to write it into her mini-series. How it was still available after so many seasons had passed was beyond her but she needed to try it on. God, she could only hope it was in her size.
Denise was so excited to try on the dress she left her phone on the floor. She practically ran towards the dressing room. She held her breath the entire time, from the second she slipped into the gown to the moment she had to zip herself into it. She only breathed when she realized it was a perfect fit. The saying 'it fits like a glove' was appropriate for her current situation, it honestly seemed as though the dress had been tailored for her.
"Why did you put your phone on the ground?" Denise heard Luca ask. "Here, put it in her bag." She passed it to Sebastian who was hanging the dresses he'd gotten with Luca on the empty rack the boutique had provided for Denise to hang all her try-ons. "Nise, there's one that I think- Oh my God," Luca gasped when she saw Denise exit the dressing room. "Is that-"
"The dress I've been in-love with since I was sixteen, yes," Denise nodded eagerly. "I found it over there and it's a perfect fit, Lu." She walked over to the mirror with absolute ease, she was graceful and swift in this dress unlike earlier. When she saw herself in the mirror, she almost whimpered. She looked even better in it than she'd expected herself to, there was nothing else to say but- "this dress is the one."
"Yeah," Luca nodded. She was breathless, the dress was fate. "That dress is- it's made for you." She walked over to join Denise's side, taking her hand. "I can't see you in anything else on the twenty-eighth, that is the one." Denise turned to her, squealing. "Chris is going to lose his mind when he sees you walk down the aisle in that dress."
"Oh, without a doubt." Sebastian nodded in agreement. "I think we can call it a day then, 'cause Luca's right. There is nothing in here that will suit you better than that dress you have on now." Denise smiled, mouthing a 'thank you'. "Can you do me a favor though?" He held up her phone. Denise tried not to laugh because she knew from his facial expression he'd read Chris' text. "Tell him I was the one who found that dress?"
"Sure thing," Denise laughed.

Fated (A Chris Evans Series)
RomanceMeet Denise Hogan, a nineteen year old aspiring screen writer who writes fan fiction about Chris Evans in her spare time. Meet Chris Evans, a thirty-five year old actor who reads fan fiction about himself in his spare time. What happens when he meet...