On the Floor

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The newly weds and their dog took their leave from the reception at 10:28PM while their guests remained at the venue with the intention to stay and party until the break of dawn. Chris and Denise would've loved to join them, but it'd been a long day and they were ready to call it a night. Though it would've been more accurate if it had been said that Denise was ready to call it a night because she was the reason Chris wasn't partying on with their guests.

It wasn't her choice to leave her own reception early, she was forced by the fact that she was a pregnant lady who'd been up since the early morning; she'd been on her feet, and in heels for most of the entire day. She may have only been twelve weeks pregnant, but the process of growing another human being inside her was already taking a toll. She was so tired her loving husband offered her an out for the night, stating he could wait until their honeymoon to consummate their marriage. In her defense, it wasn't that long a wait. Their flight to Italy was leaving at 3:40PM, which was- seeing as it was 12:40AM now- in fifteen hours. And if Chris was being honest, as long as he got that alone time with his wife- he didn't care what they got up to.

A car was organized by Luca to drive Chris and Denise home as she didn't drive and he had been pounding back the drinks. Even though there weren't plans to do anything romantic tonight, Denise was still glad Chris could hold his alcohol very well. Drunk Chris was fun when she wasn't tired, but when she was- he could be a little much. But as she thought back to all the times she'd spent with him when he was around alcohol, she couldn't think of a time where he annoyed her with his drunkenness. She didn't see much of that side of him, perhaps twice in their two years and nine months of knowing each other. He knew his limit and paired it accordingly with the people he was with. With his boys, he'd drink to the point of no return. With his lady, however, he'd step up; he would act less like a frat boy and more of an adult. Denise was his to care for and protect which meant he'd do anything to fulfill his duty, even if it meant staying sober. That was one of the many, many reasons she fell so deeply in-love with him.

Chris did the traditional thing of carrying Denise, his new bride, through the threshold of their house after helping the driver haul and deposit their bags by the front door. Dodger went straight for the couch upon entering the house, he'd a pretty long day himself entertaining all the dog lovers at Chris and Denise's wedding. He fell asleep before Chris and Denise could make it to the staircase, his furry little head nestled against his stuffed lion. Denise got Chris to put her down so she could walk over and kiss the top of Dodger's head. She couldn't wait until Jack got to meet Dodger, she just knew Jack was going to adore him as much as she and Chris adored him.

"C'mon," Chris whispered, taking Denise's hand. He pulled her onto her bare feet as she'd taken off her heels in the car and placed them back in their original box. "I think I need to put you to bed too." He chuckled when she hugged him, closing her eyes as she rested her head against his chest. "Yeah," another soft rumble vibrated in his throat and his arms wrapped around her, "we will not be doing anything naughty tonight."

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, fighting her fatigue.

"You don't ever have to apologize to me, baby." His hands rubbed her back soothingly, making her even more sleepy than she already was. "C'mon," he gently pushed her back by her shoulders and she opened her eyes. "Let's go to bed." He took her hand and led her upstairs, glancing back at her every now and again to see if she needed help with her gown. "Do you want to have a shower first?" He asked when they got to the top of the stairs.

"Can I have a bath instead?"

"You can have anything you want," he nodded.

They entered the master bedroom and Chris immediately headed for the ensuite to run Denise a bath. He watched the water fill the tub while she sat in front of her vanity, cleansing her face of all the makeup she had on. She then worked to remove all her pieces of jewelry, smiling when she took off her beautiful headpiece. Chris smiled at Denise through the mirror when he came out of the bathroom, slipping off his jacket as he walked over to the windows to draw the curtains close. He lit the candles scattered in the bedroom, just as he'd lit the ones in the ensuite. By now, it was hard for him not to be familiar with Denise's habit of having baths with just the flickering light of a candle. He actually loved her obsession with candles. Not only did it make the home he shared with her smell like heaven, it made everything they did so much more romantic.

Let's take our time tonight, girl
Above us all the stars are watchin'
There's no place I'd rather be in this world
Your eyes are where I'm lost in

"Are you fucking with me right now?" Chris turned to Denise, laughing, when 'Versace On The Floor' came through her Bose speaker. She pressed her lips together, suppressing her laughter as she padded over to him. "Christ," he muttered under his breath when she wrapped her arms around his neck, meeting his lips. "What are you doing, Denise?" He chuckled, placing both hands on her waist.

"Kissing my husband."

Underneath the chandelier
We're dancin' all alone
There's no reason to hide
What we're feelin' inside
Right now

"I meant-" He drew his head back, breaking the kiss. "With the song, you doofus." She smirked, making him laugh even harder. "You are way too tired to do anything," he shook his head. "I'm not going to push it. And-" his eyes darted to the clock hanging on the wall, "it's nearly one. You've been up since six-thirty and we've got a flight to catch tomorrow. This can all wait until Italy," he assured her with a nod when her eyes asked if he was sure.

"Okay," she nodded then pecked his lips. "But the song stays 'cause it's a good song to have a bath to." He chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Could you unzip me?" She asked as she turned, moving her hair out of the way so it wouldn't get caught in the zipper.

So, baby, let's just turn down the lights and close the door
Ooh, I love that dress, but you won't need it anymore
No, you won't need it no more
Let's just kiss 'til we're naked, baby

"You want me to unzip you to this song on our wedding night where we're supposedly meant to do exactly what Bruno Mars is singing?" He quizzed and she laughed. "Damn," his hands rested on her waist and he leaned forward to press a kiss onto her shoulder. "You are really testing my level of self-control here, baby."

"Wait till I ask you to join me in the bath," she teased him and he chuckled; his lips vibrated against her skin and his warm breath brushed her shoulder. "Can you unzip me now? It's cold and I want to be nice and warm in my bubble bath."

Versace on the floor
Ooh, take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl
Versace on the floor
Ooh, take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl

"With your back pressed against my front? Me too," he nodded and she bit back her smile. His fingers gently fiddled with the clip, then the zipper. "This is not Versace, so- Elie Saab on the floor," he sang, making her laugh. "Take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl...Elie Saab on the floor. Ooh, take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl..."

"You're dreaming if you think I'm going to let masterpiece of a dress drop to the floor," she caught the dress and held it up with her arms before it slid off her body. Chris laughed as he undressed himself, watching as she walked over to the walk-in to carefully remove and hang up her dress. "I don't know if I tell you this enough, Christopher," she leaned against the doorframe, smiling at her husband as he unbuttoned his shirt. He raised his eyebrows at her and she smiled, walking over. "You are very, very handsome."

"You tell me that at least once a day, and you told me repeatedly at the wedding. You don't even have to say it, your eyes scream it when you look and smile at me." She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "But I appreciate it anyway. And you are beautiful, I hope I tell you that enough." He said and she nodded, smiling. "Good. Because you are very, very beautiful." They shared a sweet kiss before he asked, "shall we get to that bath of ours?"

"I'm thinking bath after," she whispered suggestively as she walked him backwards towards the bed. He bit back his smile and shook his head, but did nothing to stop her advances. "As tired as I am," she pushed him back into the bed and he landed on his back, laughing. "I'm never going to be too tired for you."

"If that is so," he propped himself up with an elbow, reaching to catch her wrist in his other hand.  A excited giggle escape her throat as he pulled her into him, then flipped her so she was on her back and he was on top. "Don't mind if I do."

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