Prologue Prt 2

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Magnolia's POV

I sit beside my mom while she is on her deathbed. My uncle and my cousins are in their way. Billy, Jacob, Rebecca, and Rachel Black. They doctors are giving my mother a few hours.

My mom has decided my uncle gets custody of me when she dies. My father was killed in a car accident two years ago. A semi decided not to stop at the traffic light, and hit my dad's side of the car. He died instantly. We were lucky mom and I stayed at home that day.

"Where's Billy?" Mom asks weakly.

"He's on his way, mama." I say. "I promise. I just spoke with cousin Rebecca on the phone. She and home just because of how much time you have left."

Mama smiles barely. "I'm glad. I have really missed Rebecca."

I place my hand on her cold hand. She is getting closer and closer. Her breathing is rattled and slow. Her heart monitor the doctors put her in at home has been beeping slowly, it isn't regular. I know it won't be much longer.

I hear rolling on the wooden floors and I know it is Billy and the others. I open mom's bedroom door and Rebecca is standing behind Billy's wheelchair. Jacob and Rachel are behind them.

"Hey guys, I'm glad up made it." I say.

"Seattle may be a lengthy drive, but it is worth it." Billy says. "My baby sister is dying, I just had to be here."

"Are you okay, Magnolia?" Rebecca asks. "I know how close you two are?"

I look back at my weak mother. "I'm not sure, to be honest."

Rebecca gives me a hug. "I'll be home until after her funeral. I'll be here for you every step of the way."

"I can show you guys your rooms?" I suggest. "I mean, there are plenty."

Billy is in the room next to my mom's. Rachel and Rebecca's rooms are on either side of mine. Jacob is in the room at the end of the hall on the first floor, near the kitchen. He will be phasing shortly, maybe. I think there is still time before hand.

"Thank you, Maggie." Billy says. "I'm going to sit with Whitney."

I go downstairs and I go the kitchen. I mix up a batter of double fudge muffins and put them into the oven. Rebecca joins me and sits on the stool next at the bar.

"Smells good, Magnolia." Rebecca says softly. "I have missed your baking skills."

"I've been taking a cooking class in Port Angeles for a while." I smile. "I can cook actual food now, instead of only sweets."

"You should cook tonight." Rachel says from the doorway. "Let's see how those cooking classes have done."

I smile. "Probably not tonight. Today will be depressing enough."

It's a good thing there is a ramp on the side of the stair case. Jacob rolls Billy down to the kitchen right as my muffins are done. I hand each person one, before taking one for myself. I close my eyes and I enjoy the taste.

Billy, still having his wolf hearing, drops the muffin. "She's dead."

I drop my muffin in the counter and I rub up the stairs. I go into my mom's room and see her eyes open, and her monitor flat lining. I lock up the phone and I call her doctor immediately, then I call the funeral home. Rebecca wraps me in her arms as we wait for everyone a little important to get here.

The doctor and the undertaker arrive at the same time. Rebecca keeps me from fainting while the doctor unhooks my mom. Billy is in tears in the hallway, and Jacob is trying to keep him calm. Rachel seems sad too, she is beside the door inside the room.

"We will call with the details of Whitney's funeral." Dr Whitley says. "Please sand by the phone."

Rebecca sits me on the couch downstairs, and she lets me cry on her shoulder. My mother just passed away from stage 4 leukemia.

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