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I get dressed bright and early the following morning. Someone bangs on the front door and I run out of my room without a jacket. Darrel is here.

"Come on in, Darrel." I smile. "I just need to grab my jacket and brush my hair."

"Alright." Darrel smiles. "Jared Cameron."

He and Jared begin speaking, and I go back to my room. I put on a gray jacket with a good, and I leave it unzipped. I brush my hair and I pin it back with bobby pins. I spray some Playboy Bunny perfume on myself and I leave my room.

"Are you ready, Darrel?" I ask.

"Yeah." He replies. "Anne said she'd bring my clothes when I'm checked in."

We both get into my car, and I drive to Port Angeles Rehabilitation Center for Darrel. We both walk inside, and I sign him in.

"Take care of my son." Darrel says. "Please."

"I will, Darrel." I hug him. "I promise you, I will take care of your Paul."

Darrel thanks me before the receptionist shows him to his room. I just smile before going outside to my car. Anne is just now getting out of her car.

"Thanks again, Mags." Anne smiles lovingly at me. "I truly appreciate it."

"It's an honor." I smile. "It makes Paul happy that Darrel is getting better."

"Yes it does, it does make Paul happy." Anne smiles at me. "Be careful driving to La Push."

I thank Anne before getting into my car. I start it up and turn a little bit of heat on. I turn the radio on and I find I dare you to move and plug my iPod to my radio. I smile at the band, Switchfoot. This is a sweet song,  in my opinion.

I pull up to Sam's, deciding to come over here for a while. I turn my car off and I walk inside my cousins home. Sam and Jared are gone in patrol. Newly phased Embry and Quil are out too. Paul is here, Emily is cooking.

Paul grabs my face. "I have to."

Paul plants his lips on mine, and butterflies flutter around my stomach as our lips begin moving in sync. His hands move to where they are on my hips, and my arms wrapped around his neck. I feel someone grab my phone from my back pocket. Figuring it's Emily, I ignore it. I hear my camera snap like she is taking pictures.

Paul finally pulls away and I see it was Emily. I blush and she hands me my phone back. She smile at Paul before she goes to check the muffins and the roast she is making for supper.

"That was amazing, as I had hoped." I smile. "I felt butterflies fluttering around my stomach."

Paul smiles, and he pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. "You're perfect. The kiss was perfect. How about this? I want to take you on a date tomorrow night."

"I'd love to, Paul." I smile. "Fancy?"

"Yes." Paul replies. "I need to make a few calls. I'll be right back."

I smile and I walk into the kitchen. "Hey, Em."

"Hey, Magnolia." Emily greets. "The roast is about done."

"Yay!" I chant, before I begin laughing. "I love a good roast."

"So does Sam." Emily laughs. "He loves everything I cook, what am I saying?"

"You are a good cook, Emily." I smirk. "I say that myself. I have been told I am amazing at my baking skill."

"You should bake something next time you're over." Emily says with a smile.

"I will." I smile. "I'll look through my dessert cookbooks."

"That would be great, Magnolia." Emily says with a smile as she turns the slow cooker off. "Roast is done. Now, I need to cook the sides."

I kiss Emily's cheek and I walk to the living room. Sam has made it back, and he gives me a small hug.

"Emily's roast smells great!" Sam smiles.

"I'm baking here tomorrow night after my date with Paul." I smile. "I'm a great baker, according to my dessert cooking."

"I cannot wait, little cousin." Sam smiles. "Let's head towards the kitchen."

We walk into the kitchen. Emily hands us two a plate, and the pack soon piles in. Paul sits beside me.

"Reservations are made." Paul whispers in my ear. "Tomorrow."

"I have a busy day planned tomorrow." Sam says, starting a pack discussion.

"Why, what's going on tomorrow?" I ask.

"Jacob phases." Sam replies. "I have to check up on him, and be sure he makes it through the phase okay."

"I'd tag along, but apparently I have a fancy date tomorrow." I smile. "Give my cousin my concerns for me."

"Will do." Sam says. "He won't be able to hang around Bella."

"The secret may accidentally slip." Jared adds.

"That's one reason I broke up with Leah." Sam says. "Emily is her cousin. I imprinted on her, and I've been with her since then."

"I get that." I say gently. "I do."

We all chat some more, and everyone finishes their meals that Emily has cooked for us all. Emily does the dishes, and I drive home. Paul joins me because Anne is picking up an extra night shift. Darrel is in rehab, and Paul just doesn't want to be alone. I cannot say I really blame him.

"Lock the doors please." I say.  "I'm gonna get naked and get in bed. Join me when the door is locked:"

Paul kisses me. "Okay, if you'll become officially mine."

"Okay, I'm yours Paul." I whisper before going to my room.

I strip out of my clothes and put them into my white hamper, and I toss my jacket onto my dresser. I lay under my covers, because it is really cold tonight.

"Paul! Hurry!" I call out. "I'm so cold!"

Paul is laughing when he enters my room. He strips to his boxers and lays beside me. I snuggle against him and I see a spot in the lower part of the blanket rise.

"Paul, your pal is rising." I smirk.

"Can't help it, your naked body is laying against mine." Paul whispers.

I kiss him and I rest my head on his chest, where I fall asleep listening to his heartbeat.

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