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Paul is gone when I wake up; the pack may be gone as well. I slowly get myself out of bed, and I put some clothes on. It is kind of cold today, so I decide on some denim skinny jeans, a black long-sleeved turtle neck, a white vest with a hood (zipped up), and some white shoes. I brush my hair before I look at my shiny engagement ring.

I walk into the kitchen, and I scan the cabinets and the fridge / freezer. I realize I need to go buy some groceries. I better get Emily to accompany me, because both Sam and Paul would be mad for me doing alone.

I lock the house up and I get in my car. I drive across the street and I hesitantly turn it off. I like doing my shopping alone, but this Vampire drama is ruining that.

"Emily!" I call.

"Hey honey." She greets, pulling a floral long sleeve over her head.

"Let's go." I say with a smile. "I need groceries."

"Let me put some shoes on, and grab my coat." Emily says.

She puts on some black Nike shoes and grabs a varsity jacket Sam bought for her when they first got together. She gets into the passenger's seat of my car, and I get in behind the wheel.

"I normally shop alone." I speak up as I pull away from Sam's. "But we both know we'd anger some wolves if I were to shop alone."

"Oh, don't I know it." Emily sighs.

I smile before I pull into the parking lot of Walmart, in Port Angeles. I put the car in park, and I walk inside with Emily. She helps me pick out the best deals.

"Shopping with someone is easier, but a tad more exhausting." I say with a smirk.

"I normally do my shopping wth Samuel, but he isn't here for a couple days."

"Maybe we can go grocery shopping for you tomorrow?" I suggest.

"Sounds good." Emily smiles. "You are Sam's distant cousin, so that might be okay."

"Plus, you're used to shopping with someone." I reply.

"That's true, too." Emily says smugly.

We soon check the bunch of foot I am buying with help from the government. Emily helps me load the food in the backseat before we get back inside my car. I then the heat on once the car is actually running.

"Thanks for the heat, Mags." Emily sighs, shivering.

"It's just getting colder and colder." I say. "I hope Bella doesn't freeze."

"Jacob won't let her freeze to death." Emily says.

"I know." I smile. "He'd possibly kill Edward if he tries to stop him."

"I'd hate to see both of Bella's men together in one spot." Emily laughs as we carry the food inside.

"I know it." I smile.

We put my food away and I turn the thermostat on. I go back to the kitchen and I whip up a batch of fudge hot chocolate. I pour both Emily and I a mug full, and I carry it into the living room.

"Fudge hot chocolate." I coo.

"Thanks." Emily says.

I turn the tv to cartoons and I sip my heated beverage. Rachel walks in with Rebecca behind her.

"Becca!" I screech happily. "Girls, there is some fudge hot chocolate in the kitchen."

Rachel and Rebecca to straight to the hot substance and pour themselves a mug of the deliciousness. I smile at the two before I sit on the live seat with Emily.

"How long are you in La Push, Rebecca?" I ask.

"The weekend." Rebecca says. "Until the boys get home safely. Dad's worried sick."

"Poor Billy." I coo. "Y'all two should be with him right now."

"He's at Charlie's in Forks." Rachel laughs. "We pick him up after we leave here. In an hour, he prefers."

"Billy and Charlie, I swear." I say jokingly. "I'm glad Billy has a friend like Charlie."

"We are too." Rachel says. "Wanna stay with us until the boys return?"

I nod my head yeah.

"I'll tell the boys when they return." Emily says.

I nod and me and my two cousins walk to ny house. I go to my room and I grab a change of clothes. Sam and the pack should be back tomorrow, so Sam can go shopping with Emily.

Billy is happy to see me when he is helped into the car by Charlie. Charlie is following behind us to help Billy into his wheelchair.

"I'm staying the night." I tell my uncle. "I'm lonely without the guys. Even with Emily, she's quieter than the guys."

Billy smiles. "That's fine with me, love bug."

Rebecca pulls up to Billy's house, and I jog up to open the door. Charlie helps Billy out of the car and into his wheelchair. Charlie is concerned about Billy, you can see it in his face. I would have hated to see Charlie's reaction to Billy's accident; he must have been devastated.

I am sitting on the couch when Charlie finally pushes my uncle inside. I go to their spare room, Jacobs room, so the men can watch their sports.

I stare out Jacob's uncovered window as I grow more tired. I finally get up; I put on a pair of Jacob's ball shorts and a jersey before laying back down. Jacob's bed sleeps like a very uncomfortable cot, but is sleepable.

I burry myself under Jake's blankets and I fall asleep.

Billy's niece Where stories live. Discover now