chapter fourteen

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Chanyeol's POV

        I was there, in front of the sea. The waves were so high they loosed like they would eat me alive. 'Did I do anything wrong?' I thought to myself. There was nothing I can do anyways. They're was an aching pain inside me that didn't seem to go away, even the endless hours at the sea couldn't wash these feelings away.

      How I wished to see Jimin, I'm probably wrong about how I feel, but it just feels so right. I know that Baekhyun will probably never talk to me again, and that's what hurts the most; it hurts to hurt him. After  about six hours continuously watching the waves, Kai had came to get me. And he did something that I had never imagined before, he had slapped me...

      "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO BAEKHYUN, YOU HAVE CHANGED HIM. YOU KNOW THAT HE LOVED YOU MORE THAN ANYONE AND ANYTHING IN THE WORLD." Screamed Kai. I probably did deserve it though, but I don't care about anything anymore. I'm lost. Forget me Baekhyun, please just forget me.

      Kai had eventually left. I was left alone once again. I had to go find Jimin. I need to tell him that I love him, but does he love me? That thought felt like a thousand bee stings. I shook my head brushed off that thought. I needed to find him.

Jimin's POV

          I ran towards the nearest airport, ' I can't live like this anymore' I thought. I tried to blend in into the people in the airport so I can get the plane ticket back  to Korea as fast as I could while avoiding getting noticed by fans. I just wanted to leave this madness, atleast for a little while until the group comes back from their holiday.

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