The Rocks

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Once Ella reached the rocks, she pulled the wand out of her back pocket

She turned and faced the first rock

No further then at least a foot or two away, she looked at the design on it

She looked at the wand and saw the same marking on it

She figured she should put her finger on it, so she did

As her thumb rested on each symbol, she lightly waved the wand infront of each rock

As she did this, at first nothing happend, but a few seconds later each rock turned a bright pink color

"Huh. Odd much."

She said to herself as she stuck the wand back on her pocket, heading back down the trail and stopping at Elizabeth's house, she knocked on the door lightly

"Just a minute please!"

She heared Elizabeth call from inside, about a minute later she opened the door and came outside

"So? Anything happen?"

She questioned Ella, looking her over surprised she wasent freaked out just a little bit

"Yes, each rock lit up a few second after I waved the wand infront of each rock while holding my thumb on the matching symbol from the wand."

Ella explained, when she was finished she pulled out the wand and gave it back to Elizabeth

"Huh, that's strange. Well I'm glad you are alright!"

Elizabeth said, then disappeared back inside her house and closing the door behind her as she went

'Okay Future. I'm done, can you come back now?!'

She though, no sooner did she see Future galloping out from the woods and stopping infront of the barn

"Hey, I came as soon as I could. You alright, Ella?"

He asked when she was within earshot

Ella nodded and explained

"Yes, I'm fine. I would just like get back to my horse and my friend please, since you interrupted us earlier with your rearing and shit."

She told him flaty as she climbed up onto his back and sat herself correctly on his back

"Plus Elizabeth is being weird, with all the glowing stones and what not you know..."

She added once she was sitting comfortably on his back

"Alright, alright. I get it, I'm sorry Ella. We needed you right away."

After that he soon took off at a canter and they went the way they came

'Wait, did you say glowing stones?'

He asked then halted where he was, in the middle of Everwind field between the manor and Valedale village

"Yes, I did...?"

Ella asked him, more then told him

With that, Future nodded and continued off in a canter back to The Harvest Counties.

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