Ella's Talk with Eli

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They said nothing for a while, then Ella turned around walked out onto the dock at the lake, and sat down on the edge.

She slipped off her boots, tossed them in the grass behind her, then did the same with her socks.

She crossed her legs and placed her palm's on her knees.

"JUST SHUT UP FUTURE MY GOD!" She accidentally shouted aloud.

Eli was still standing there was she said this, not knowing it was coming, he jumped and went to turn around then fell.

He felt somebody's hand on his forehead and opened his eyes to see Ella "I'm sorry Eli" she said, she looked like she might cry, but she didn't.

"It's fine, he's kind of nosy sometimes anyways. What's he doing, teasing you about us again?" He asked, not looking for an answer and smiled up at her.

She laughed a little, then gave a small chocking sound that told him she was close to crying.

"Just forget it, I can be nosy as well." He said brushing her cheek as one fell down

She just nodded, stood up then went back over to the dock and sat down, cross-legged again.

Eli sat up, brushed off the leaves, dirt and grass from the back of his shirt then went over and sat down next to her.

"You know i'm here and we can talk about what's going on if you need to." He told her quietly and he slipped off his socks and boots and tossed them behind him as well, then stuck his feet in the water.

Ella had her eyes closed, but somehow hearing him stick his feet in the water, she said "Fish." just minutes before one of the fish that was in the lake came up and nibbled at the bottom of his feet.

Eli gave a sort of girly scream, making Ella almost die of laughter as he jumped back, landing on his back, almost knocking the air out of himself "I though you said this thing didn't have any fish in here!" He scolded her, not as bad as he could, but he kept it light with a slight laugh.

"Until I saw some just a few seconds before I made you almost kill yourself." She told him, looking back at him, sticking out her tounge then looking back and closing her eyes again.

Eli stood back up, walked next to her and sat down.

Did they ever mention his fear of fish?

Long story short, he obviously hates fish.

Ella wrapped her right arm around his neck "Sorry," She said then kissed him on the cheek "I gorget sometimes."

"it's fine. Everybody does once in a while." He said closing his eyes as well and laying back

Ella let her hand fall and moved it back to her knee when he liad back and opened her eyes.

She sighed heavily and tried to sit up straighter, no doubt making her look more tense about what she was about to say.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly before saying "You're right."

Eli bent his right knee but kept the other one streached out "What?" He asked looking up at her

"You're right. My parents don't like you. I guess they never have no matter how long they played it off. They always treated you like we knew eachother from birth, and-" Ella swallowed hard, fighting her tears. "-I don't really see why they don't like you. That's what me and dad were fighting about." Eli looked up in time to see her rub her cheeks with the heel of her hands then sat up.

He propped his right arm on his knee, laid his hand on his arm, and looked at her.

He would probably get asked a thousand questions here in about thirty seconds, so he just watched her and waited.

"I don't know what to do. Whoever I liked, or went out with, dad never liked. So he told me to break up with them or not talk to them anymore. I don't know what his deal is now. They know you so well..." She let out a shaky breath and looked at him.

"They don't want to lose you Ella," He said moving the hair from her face "They love you too much to let guys take you away from them." Before she could ask anything he said "Yes, I am sure." Then placed a kiss on her temple.

He stood up, went over and grabbed his boots and headed to the barn, then stopped looked back at her "Go talk to him, tell him you understand." He continued walking but called back "And call him 'daddy' as well! He seems to like that!" She could hear how his words changed as he placed a smile on his face.

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