To The Ferry, Away We Go!

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As they galloped through Moorland, Ella felt something on her forehead, she reached up and touched her forehead, forgetting that she completly let go of Eli, and felt a rain drop on her head.

Was it going to be rain or snow?

It was cold after all, but it was still summer.

Ella grabbed the back of Eli's shirt and clutched it in her hand, if this depended on living or dying, and looked up at the sky.

Drop after drop, the rain came faster and stronger, though he couldn't hear it, Ella let out a huge sigh and burried her head in his back, wrapped her arms around him again after putting up the hoods on the cloacks.

'Ella, are you afraid of storms?' Future asked, then picked up his pace faster and faster to get to the ferry faster.

Ella said nothing back to him, so he just decided to push the thought away.

But he might be abe to find out sooner or later.

As they blurred past Jasper's Old House, Future soon pulled into the docks where the ferrys were, with Star, Eli and Ella right behind him.

People were scattering to get out of the rain as they arrived, and the ferry workers were trying hard to keep the ferry slip-free.

Though they wern't being sucessful, they let the four of them onto the ferry and hurridly went to Jarlheim.

Once they were docked, Star and Future jumped over the gate keeping them inside and raced eachother to the stables.

When the reached the stables, Eli tried to get down, his body was numb but he still felt Ella was holding onto him, enabling him to get down.

He felt her hold strengthen and he placed a hand on hers.

Ella finally let go of him, then scooted forward and leaned into Star's mane then wrapping her arms around her.

"Ella, come on, we have to put them up and get inside." Eli said placing a hand on her leg.

She hadn't moved much since they came to Moorland, Eli didn't really know what was going on, but he grabbed Ella by her waist and pulled her from Star's back.

"ELI BE CAREFUL!" Future and Star shouted at the same time to him.

He jumped and some what stumbled, then looked back at them "I've got this, now if yall could stay here until I get back." Then he disappeared running around the corner as he carried Ella into the house.

Once they were inside, Eli tried to set Ella down but Ella wouldn't let go of him, he just shifted his weight and shrugged her back into his arms.

Ella turned twoards him and burried her face in his chest, she didn't look so good.

Eli shrugged it off, hoping she would get better within the night, and carried her to the bedroom.

He shoved the bed covers back and laid Ella on the bed, her fonally letting go of his neck.

He unzipped her shoes and pulled them off along with her socks.

He looked at her, trying to smile, then covered her up with the blankets and and extra one, then slipped out the door before she could wake up.

As he walked into the barn, he saw Star and Future glaring at eachother.

"-since you came around!" She snarled at him, barring her teeth at him

"Since I came around, I did nothing to her!" Future shouted back at her, snorting

"She's been worse ever since you came! And you know she has medical issues!" She shouted at him and tried to kick him.

'Medical issues?' Eli thought to himself 'Right, body temperature, yadda yadda..'

The list went on, not matter what they said to Ella she always kept going

"-and you've done nothing to help her!" She continued, Eli missing part of the conversation "You've only brought her to those creepy Druid people of yours! They've made her worse, and you know it, you just can't admit it, Future!" She swished her tail, hit him with it, then went into a stall on the otherside of the room.

"Bravo, Star. Like he really osent know this." Eli chimmed in before Future had anything to say "Why do you think he might be here?" He asked her "And you know why Superstar hates you!" He shouted at Future.

Future ignored him and went into his stall, turned around and closed it behind him.

"Just no more fucking fighting, this is getting ridiculous." Eli told them.

He made sure the door were latched from both side, they had enough food and water.

They both snorted at him as he left and shut off the lights.

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