CNCO Concert:

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If you guys don't care, then skip this chapter, but I saw CNCO yesterday and before the concert started, Joel was outside the bus and he was like looking in his suitcase for something, but I yelled out "Joel I love you!" And he turned around and smiles and waved and oh my God I died right then and there. And then after that we waited like an hour behind a fence so we could see CNCO and when they came out we started screaming so loud. They all walked over to us and Joel walked over to where I was standing and I put my hand through one of the holes in the fence and Joel held my hand when he came over and it was amazing. They all went down the line and like held everyone's hand and I stuck my phone out because I wanted Joel to take a picture on my phone but he didn't take it. And after that Renato got on a blue scooter that they had and everyone was chanting "RENATO RENATO!" And because I was waiting at that fence for so long, I got in the building late and missed half of CNCO's performance. I only got to hear two songs before they hopped off stage. It was so amazing and like words cannot explain how happy I am.

(I don't really know how to end this, but this is the end.)

(Sorry for the awkward ending. I didn't get a lot of sleep.)

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