Chapter 31:

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My mom finally arrived and I ran to her car. I jumped inside and she reached over and hugged me. I start sobbing and she hugs me tighter. She starts rubbing my back, comforting me and I keep crying into her shoulder. She pats my back and pulls away.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." I nod and wipe my tears away. She pulls out of Dylan's driveway and a tear slips out.

About an hour later, we arrive at my childhood home. I smile as all the memories come flooding back into my head. We walk inside and I'm immediately greeted by my dad.

"Hi, baby. How have you been?" He embraces me in a big bear hug and I smile.

"I've had better days. Y tú?" We pull away and he smiles at me.

"Estoy bien, mija. Come on in." I walk further in and see a little puppy run up to me and start jumping on me. The puppy is a little corgi with a white belly and paws. It has a tan fur coat and is absolutely adorable. It starts barking happily and I pick it up.

"And who is this little guy?" I coo, scratching behind his ear.

"This is Bonnie. She was actually gonna be your birthday present this year..." I turn around and my jaw drops.

"Are you serious?" I ask, still in shock. My parents smile and nod. I squeal and run over to hug them. They laugh and the puppy barks happily. "Oh my God she's so cute!" I gush, looking at her.

"Let's go eat."


After eating at Olive Garden, we decide to head back home. We're immediately greeted by Bonnie's high pitched bark. Her little tail starts wagging back and forth and I pick her up, giggling at her. We all pile onto the couch as a big happy family and turn on the TV.

After about an hour of arguing over what to watch we finally decided to have a Disney movie marathon. Bonnie snuggled up next to me and fell asleep. I smiled at her and took a picture. After I took the picture, I noticed all the missed calls, voice mails, and messages Dylan had left me. My smile immediately faded and my parents noticed.

"Can you come with me to the kitchen please?" My mom asks. I shrug and get up. My mom gets up and we both walk to the kitchen.

"So, what's u-" I get interrupted by a small voice that's all too familiar.

"Hey, Mia."

Volverte a Ver // Joel Pimentel {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now