Chapter 11:

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We were in the middle of a great Monopoly game. I had bought the two biggest properties in the game and had hotels on them. Joel and Richard were about to go through the ring of death until my dad called me. I grabbed my phone and ran into the hallway.

"Hi Dad! What's up?"

"What's up? What do you mean what's up?!? You have been gone for two days! I'd like to see you!" I blushed and immediately felt bad, but I couldn't leave. I just couldn't.

"Dad... I'm sorry I didn't know you felt that way... But-"

"You better have a good explanation."

"I do! I met the boys of CNCO and I'm at their hotel! They got me and Andrea a room! They're so nice!" He sighs and I know he's already gonna say that I can stay with them until they leave.

"Ok Mija. But once they leave, you come back home ok? I miss you and I love you. Bye babygirl."

"Ok, I miss and love you too Dad. Bye!" I hang up and squeal. I fall down face first into the couch. After a few minutes I feel someone sit on me.

I squirm and wriggle around trying to turn over so I could see who it is. I hear giggles and realize it's Andrea. I find her hand and grip onto it. She screams and keeps laughing. I turn over and I tickle her. I start laughing when she falls to the floor. I grab her foot and climb on top of her.

"You bitch! I was having a moment!" She laughs.

"Without me?!?!?" I nod and she makes a surprised face. I laugh and get off her. We both stand up and hug.

"Where have you been? I missed you! You're my babygirl and you were gone!"

"I was out. I had to think about some things..."

"Like what?"

"Well, Richard asked me to be his girlfriend. But I don't know how thats gonna work because I hate long distance relationships. I won't be able to see him, hug him, kiss him, it'll be horrible!"

"Distance doesn't matter if the person is worth it. I think you should say yes. In the end we only regret the things we didn't do." She thinks for a minute and smiles. She nods and pulls me into the kitchen where an intense game of Monopoly was still going on. Once we walk in Richard's head snaps up and he smiles at Andrea.

"Richard, we'd like to talk to you." I say. He gives me a confused look before we all walk out of the kitchen. Andrea pulls him into a room and I put my ear to the door.

"Sooooo, what's up babe?" I smile at his name for her and I know she's blushing.

"Umm you know the um question you asked me earlier?" Richard chuckles and says yes.

"Well I have an answer."

"Ok. Go on..." For a minute it's silent before I hear them making out.

"Ew ew ew ew ew!" I whisper and back away from the door.

They come out, hand in hand and Richard's smile as big as ever. He kisses Andrea's cheek.

"SHE'S MINE!" He yells out. I giggle at him before grabbing his free hand and pulling him into the room again.

"Hey! Let go!" I push him into the bed, ignoring his whines and protests and sit on him.

"Listen to me. I will only say this once. If you even think for a second about hurting my babygirl. I will rip your fucking face off. I have known her since preschool I know who she is and how she acts. She really does like you Richard. Not as a fan, not as a friend. But more than those things. I love her to death and I will never let anything happen to her. Got it?" He smiles and nods.

"I wasn't thinking if hurting her. I won't let anyone or anything including me hurt her. I promise." I stare at him for a few seconds reading his face before I smile and kiss his cheek.

"You're great for her." I walk out and he comes out a few seconds later. Andrea smiles when he comes out and hugs him. All the boys were whispering so I decided to sneak up on them.

"-no se Zabdi! We just kissed!" I recognize Joel's voice.

"¿Te gusta ella?"

"Si, Chris. I like her a lot! I just don't know how to ask her."

"Dile. Mia es muy sencillo. Tienes que ser confidente." I hear my name come out of Zabdiel's mouth and gasp.

"But I'm not confident!" I hear Joel whine. "I'm everything but confident."

"Ok, pues. Zabdiel y yo podemos ayudarte."

"De verdad? ¡Les debo a ustedes!" I walk into the room and sit down.

"De que está hablando?"

"Mi princesa." Chris says. He smiles at me and I smile back. "Ella es muy muy inteligente."

"Si? A qué escuela va?"

"A la Yale." I gasp.

"YALE? CHRISTOPHER! THAT'S ONE OF THE BEST SCHOOLS!" He nods and his smile grows.

"Ella quiere estudiar las animales. A ella le gustan los animales."

"Thats great!" I smile and put a hand on his shoulder to say congratulations. He pats my hand and I notice Joel staring at us.

"Joel, is there something wrong? You look upset." He snaps out of his daze and looks at me. He nervously smiles and shakes his head. "Is there anything you wanna talk about? You can tell me anything you know that right?"

"Yeah. I gotta go." He says before getting off his chair and running away. Before Chris and Zabdi can leave, I grab their hands and stare at them.

"Sit." They roll their eyes and look at each other. They sit back down.

"Qué pasa nena?" Zabdiel asks.

"I want the real answer. What were you guys talking about?" They both look at each other and sigh.

"De tu y Joel." I stare at them for a second.

"El te quiere mucho, Mía."

It's a dream come true.

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