Chapter 23

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*This will definitely need a full re-write* 

It was inspiring to see how the townsfolk worked together on restoring order around their home, despite how shaken they were after the events. Women cleared streets by sweeping the broken glass and rubble, while men hauled away heavier obstacles. There was still the taste of fearful anticipation around, however. 

Charlotte and Will walked through the town in silence. Both in awe by the eerie transformation of the environment they once felt familiar with.

As they left the premises of the town and entered the grounds of the fort, Charlotte spotted the entrance guarded by a pair of soldiers who stiffened upon seeing them approach. Immediately a pair of staffs crossed each other, blocking the entrance.

"Navy personnel only, on the Commodore's orders." One guard stated after Charlotte and Will stepped back.

"I'm sure there's an exception for the governor's daughter," Charlotte replied.

There was a pause as both guards examined her. Then, slowly, realization grew their eyes wide.

"Miss Swann!" one of them sputtered, his stoic poise instantly relaxing, withdrawing his staff, "your father has been worried since dawn!"

"You may enter, Miss Swann. They'll be glad to see you that you're alright," the other added, withdrawing his own staff. 

Charlotte stepped through then heard their staffs clash against each other once more. She turned around to see Will, owl-eyed and frozen in mid-step.

"What are you doing?" Charlotte demanded with brows curved, "let him pass!"

"I'm afraid we can't do that, Miss Swann."

"Navy personnel only. The Governor's daughters are an exception."

"But he's with me!"

"Commodore's orders, Miss."

"And these are my orders!" Charlotte returned heatedly with a glowering look, "can't you make an exception for the Governor's daughter? He saved my life!" 

"We are deeply sorry, but we simply cannot." 

"It's alright Charlotte," Will said, his eyes returning from the crossed staffs, "I have no permission to pass. I'll wait here."

She hesitated at first, fuming at the two guards standing with their backs at her. "I'll be back," she said finally, then turned to jog down the arcade.

 At the very end,  there stood a group of men from the navy huddling around a large table. Charlotte could see that what they were studying was the biggest map she'd ever seen. There were two chairs on either end holding the ends of it. One man stood few feet away from them with his back turned, his hands clasped behind his back, facing the courtyard. 

"You there!" a man called suddenly, catching sight of Charlotte running towards them. The rest of the men looked up, "how did you get in here?"

Before Charlotte could answer, the man whose back was turned to the men before was now facing her, his eyes wide and shining.

"Charlotte!" he cried, then realized what she was wearing, "what are you--" however he was cut off when Charlotte ran into him, embracing him without acknowledging anyone else. She was so glad to see he was alright. "Oh, Charlotte," he pulled away and held her face in his hands, assessing her, as if, for a moment, he did not believe he was seeing her there with him, "thank heavens you're alright."

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