Just Around the Corner

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"Why did we take a plane when we have a TARDIS?!?!" Jamie says as we get in the cab.

"I'm not your cab service." The Doctor looks at Jamie dissaprovingly.

"138 Layton Ave," I say to the cabby. The cab is cramped with our bags and all of us so I had to sit on Ben's lap and I feel this new sense of adventure, leaving my home. My parents will barely notice me being gone, my friends are here, a new job and everything. Everything will turn out fine, my new life will take me new places.

We finally exit the cab after a half hour in the crammed car. I have the only key to the flat for now, we need to get more tomorrow. I turn the key and step in to the flat myself and Megan decorated two weeks ago. "Nice place!" the Doctor says, running past me. "Where's my room?"

"You're rooming with Jamie, over there. Opposite the kitchen." Myself and Ben get a hallway room, next to Megan and Jack's room. The kitchen is in the back of the house, the entryway is open tonyhe main living space. Light blue and white walls, black and silver accents. The kitchen is a sweet orange tone with light wood cabinets with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. No idea how this place is so cheap, it even has a backyard.

I carry my bags into my room and throw myself on the bouncy comforter on the bed. So done with travel. Already in clothes I can sleep in, I crawl under the covers and wait for Ben to join me. When he does he just lays behind me, his body conforms perfectly to mine. His arm goes over my waist and he reaches over ro kiss me.

Only a few minutes later he's snoring, out like a light. I slowly drift off also.


It's 4:30 am and I wake up hearing a odd sound, like pain. A low, groaning, howl. I get up and go look out the front window I the living space. I don't see anything. I open the front door and see a giant, dark, hound standing around the corner and soon dissaper. I have a feeling I want to follow it, but feel very compelled to run away so I opt to go back in to the flat. I come in and lock the door behind me.

Entering my room I see Ben on the bed, waiting for me. He just pats the blanket beside him, hinting for me to sit, and I walk over and throw the covers open and crawl into his arms. He pulls me in, spooning me again. Inseperable. I turn around and nestle my head into the crook of his neck, breathing in the sweet smell of his essence.

He pulls my face up and kisses my lips, parting them with his tounge, exploring my mouth, me exploring his. He nuzzles into my neck now, kissing me every time he moves. I grasp my hand around his and intertwine our fingers. "I-I love you," he says, making my eyes widen, he's never actually said it.

"I love you too, Ben," I say and he kisses me with a new, stronger feeling. Love. Soon, we're both fast asleep, curled up in each others arms. Nothing happens but I wake up silently. I hear someone in the kitchen. Bacon, yes. Must be Jamie. Nobody else would've gotten up and made food that requires actually cooking it.

I get up, leaving Benny to himself. I smell bacon and my urge to eat it is overwhelming. I pop my head around the corner, Jamie is in her pajamas, laying bacon on a plate. I sneak up behind her, pinpointed on the crispy bacon. I grab a slice of sweet salty bliss. I try to grab one without her noticing but fail.

"Willa get away from me!"


"GET. AWAY. FROM. MY. BACON!!" she says, swatting my with the spatula.

"Bitch, thats hot!"

"Exactly!" she plants a swat of the hot spatula on my left arm and I lunge at her.

"CALM DOWN, DEAR GOD!" I spit, pinning her down on the kitchen floor, knocking the spatula out of her hand.

"Get OFF OF ME!" she growls. I kick the spatula away and she pushes herself off the floor and proceeded to tackle me to the ground.

"AAAAAH JAMIE GET OFF!" Megan comes padding lightly out of her room and into the kitchen. "Megan! Help!" She walks over, 2 liter of coke in one hand, plate of bacon in the other

"Nah," she says, taking a gulp, and walking away.

"Thanks a lot..."

"Thats my bacon!" finally Jamie gets off of me, I stand up and sprint into my room as Jamie tackles Megan to the floor, spilling bqcon everywhere. I slam the door behind me.

"Having fun?" Benny asks, still wrapped up in blankets.

"Tons, obviously," I say, looking for clothes to change into for the rest of the day after a shower.

"Come here," not so much a question as a demand. I sit down next to him and he kisses me gently. "Why do you have bacon grease all over you? Smells good," he says, laughing.

"Because my friends are horrible. Jamie whipped me with a bacon covered spatula, no worries," I say wiping it off with a tissue. I throw the tissue away and grab my clothes. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Ooh, okay," he says, getting up and walking over to me, grabbing my waist and pushing his hips into mine. "Sure you're gonna do that alone?"

"Don't get me wrong that sounds pretty hot but I really don't want someone else in the tiny shower with me wile I'm in a bitch mood. Next time maybe," I say, disappointing him.

"Yeah, its okay," he kisses me still, longing for more. I look at his bright eyes and kiss between them.

"Be right back." As I leave the room he flips on the T.V. thats hung on the wall. I take my clothes and set them on the toilet lid. I grab a towel out of the closet and flip on the hot water. The glass shower door steams up and I lock the door and strip off the clothes that got covered in bacon crumbs.


I get a chilled feeling even though the water is boiling around me. Whatever I sae this morning wasn't an ordinary sight. This dog was huge and had a spooky aura to it. I felt like just by seeing it I did it an injustice and I should watch my back.

I didn't see its while body, but its like I did, I have a picture in ny head of what it is. Glowing yellow gold eyes and all black. The funny thing is, is that I felt a connection. Like it wanted me to know it was there, but by seeing it I was in danger.

I push creepy feelings out of my mind and finish up my shower, ignoring the feeling I'm being hunted.

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