4. Make a break for it

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  The creature collapses to the ground as I continue to thrash. Megan. Help. I notice now its beauty, the animal. Wolflike features, golden brown eyes and its platinum fur, now stained with its own blood. "Willa, oh my god! Talk to me!" Megan's hand lifts up my head to make sure I don't bash it in on the cold ground. "Jamie! Hannah! Call 911!"

  Soon enough, there's a perimedic team carrying my limp body onto a stretcher. My seizure is stopped but I'm still paralyzed. They wave a flashlight over my eyes, the lights sting me. Needles jabbed into my arms, explosions in my own head, my skin crawls; bones twist. I hear everything, heartbeats, breaths, Megan dialing her cell.

  "Hey, who the hell are you?" That's when I notice everyone staring at the girl standing outside the ambulance, covering up with just a jacket that I had dropped. Her shoulder is dripping blood, right where I'd stabbed the animal.

  "Just give me stitches. And some clothes," she demands. Megan stands there, jaw dropped.

  "Excuse me, but who the hell do you think you are?" Megan spits.

   Um, hey, kinda paralyzed and bleeding here!

  "Nobody you need to worry about. Just get them to fix me for gods sake."

  My skin becomes ice cold, then fur sprouts. My bones twist and my stomach turns, and I vomit over the side of the stretcher, I can move. my hands shrink and my nails become round and long claws.

  "Willa! What's happening to her!?" Jamie shouts.

   My muscle tissue shift and my shoulder heals up completely before my eyes.

   "Where's Willa and why is there a wolf on the gurney?" Hannah walks up. What?!

   Megan and Jamie stare at me, then look at the small blonde sitting in the ambulance with me. "Oh, I didn't tell you? This is going to be happening a lot for the next few days. Sorry about that," she says.

   "Wait, what's happening to me?" I manage to ask.

   "Shut up. All that we hear is barking," she says.


  "Only I can understand. You're a wolf."

i-i can't be. This cannot be happening. I look at myself, my clothes are still on but loose and baggy. My feet have turned to paws. I can't believe this.



Adrenaline. Pure and simple adrenaline. Coursing through my veins like water rushing through a pipe. The light is too bright, too many sounds, too many people. I need to run.

I jump off the gurney, feeling this new body fall awkwardly to the ground. Hannah tries to get a hand on my neck, but I can't reason. I snap at her, causing her to recoil. Megan stares in awe at me, and Jamie looks confused.

  I shake off the clothes off my body, I don't need them. The forest is dark and who knows of there's more of what ever that girl is. Whatever I am. I take off running and don't look back.

  Occasionally I'll hear a call for my name, after I stop too long after falling; of course I'm not used to four legs yet.

  The calls for my name turn from concerned friends to angry old men. Frick. I hear a noise behind me and then whirrrr coming towards me. A sharp pain in my right flank.

  Solid sleep catches me on my short fall to the grass.


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