3. Siezure

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  Its around 1 am after we make sure the guys are all asleep, and in case anything goes wrong I leave a note saying; 'Hey, we're going for a little day trip to Scotland, if we're not back by 12 am tomorrow, then you can worry. -Wills'


  I get a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as I set the note down on my side of the bed next to Ben. He's done nothing but be there for me and now I leave without telling him why. Oh well, its only for a day. Still, I lean over to him and push aside his dark wavy hair to kiss his forehead. "I'll be back soon," I whisper and walk out of the bedroom and shut the door behind me.


  We decided to do a little camping so we brought all the stuff we'd need for at least a day. I try to jam everything into the teeny tiny blue Chevy, but the tent ends up getting strapped to the roof. Everything else fits nicely in the trunk. Hannah and Jamie are in the back, I drive and Meg takes shotgun.

  I drive just over the limit to make sure its still dark out before tracking the woods around Baskerville. "Willa, you're going to get us killed, slow down for god's sake," Hannah says.

  "If we don't make it before 3 we're gonna get caught by the watchtower. That would be really bad," Megan says. "Willa, you're doing fine."

  "Why are we going here anyways?"

  "Because reasons. there's supposed to be some freaky stuff going on here. Like animal testing and genetic experiments. Oh my gosh what if they're making trolls?" Megan laughs.

  "Or dragons," I say, "that would be amazing." I hope its a dragon.

  "Whatever it is, make sure to be careful if we see it. Don't touch it and be super quiet. We dont want any evidence of us being here," Jamie goes on and on about how we need to be careful.

  "Ssshhhhh, we'll be fine."

  "I feel like Bry should know where I am..."

  "NO!" Megan and I shout at her. I continue, "If he knows, then Jack will know and so will the rest of Torchwood, and then eventually the govenrnment and then we get arrested, and that would be bad. Come on, nobody's telling anyone. We'll only call them if we need help, and don't tell them what is really happening until its all over. Got it?" I demand to Jamie.

  "They have a right to know."

  "They don't own us, they don't need to know anything. They probably won't even care ok?"

  "I have a bad feeling about this-" Jamie trails off. Yeah, we know.


Its around 2am when we finally reach the woods around the military base and find somewhere to hide the car. Running through the woods makes me feel more in touch with slightly feral side. We all run through the woods quietly, avoiding being out in the open, approaching the fence.

"So, we're supposed to go in there? How do you expect us to get over that barbed wire fence?" Jamie whispers to me and Megan.

"Oh come on, you can't back out now!" I say to try and convince her to go with us.

"I'm going back." Jamie storms off. I guess she won't find out what's inside then.

"Bye, Jamie," Megan says, stepping closer towards the fence, "Cmon, we need to get over this thing first." Jamie scoffs and heads back to geb car.

"I better make sure she gets back okay..." Hannah adds. She walks back too with Jamie, fast walking to both get away from the fence and hurry to Jamie.

"okay, we'll its just you and me now, I guess," Meg says, about to grab the fence.

"Wait, make sure its not electrified," I say, just noticing the subtle droaning.

"Oh right," she grabs a leaf and let's it fall on the fence. Nothing. "If that want electric then what was th-" she gets cut off by a vicious howl, then; silence. The low droan is gone.

"Frick..." I trail off, trying to listen for anything besides the rustle of wind in the trees overhead.

"W-Willa?" Megan whispers.


"Do not turn around, just walk slowly towards me.."

"Shit...." I take one small step in her direction and instantly I'm tackled to the ground by a... thing. I scream and turn on my back to see a large dog-like animal pinning me to the ground with its clawed paws.

Its glaring yellow-brown eyes draw my attention up to its face. Massive teeth hang just inches above my face. This is it. This is how I die.

  "BITCH!" Megan screams, pulling a knife out of her bra. Saved by the boob. She sticks the knife into the creature's side, it yowls in pain. Not enough, obviously, it only pissed the thing off. It bites my shoulder.

  "FUCK!" I scream and writhe in immence pain. The fangs go deep and grind against my shoulder blade and I feel the animal's saliva dripping into my wound, burning. Both of my arms are gouged by long protruding, sharp as hell, claws.

Now, the animal glares at Megan, ready to lunge at any second. I try to push myself up with my left arm, but its shaking from adrenaline. I will be surprised if I can use my right arm again normally. I take the knife that lies on the ground in my left hand and jab it into the light colored dog. "Bitch!" Words don't come easy due to the pent up screeches waiting to escape my lungs. I stab the dog again, this time right in the neck, hoping to kill.

Just then, I feel lightheaded and cold. Icy fluid suddenly makes my veins heavy, like I'm drunk. I fall to the ground and convulse. I can't move, I can't talk. What the fuck?! Megan! Help! I want to scream but all that escapes me is a hideous growl.

  Everything goes dark as the dog falls to the ground and starts yelling like a person.

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