7. Go Go Go

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'Cmon, now!" Rose pushes me off the cart and bolts for the glass door, pushing it open, sounding an alarm. She's halfway through the door when she shifts. I follow her lead, letting my human form slip, it comes easier with the adrenaline pumping through me.

The nurses are right behind me. One grabs my tail, but I ignore the pain and keep running out the door. It closes right on my haunch, and I barley wriggle out. The alarm triggered a lockdown. They can't get out.

I run, farther and longer than I ever have before. My heart beats stronger than I think is healthy, my dog feet carry me just fast enough to blow my fur back.

'How much farther is the highway?' Rose asks.

'Has to be far, we haven't reached the fence yet,' I still quietly wonder how were getting over that damn thing. I hadn't climbed it the first time either, but Rose must know a way out. 'By the way, how are we getting past that?'

'I know the way out. You good at digging?'

Great, dirt. She shows me the spot where she got out before. We have to find that spot and just wriggle out. Easy enough.

'Okay, here we are. It's not electrified, just go before we get caught.' Rose starts digging like a fiend, clawing at the ground, tossing it everywhere, frequently at my face.

'What? A little dirt never hurt anyone,' she thinks, my clearly bothered face giving it away I'm not in the joking sort of mood.

A siren blares in the distance, and the sound of bloodhounds accompanies it. 'Hurry!'

'Those dogs are like us, they're not normal. Bloodthirsty baatards. Let's get out of here.' She finishes digging and cwrals out into the woods.

She bolts. I stand there in wonder as to how the bloodhounds are only a half mile away now. What they're saying, the language must be different than mine.

  Finally I hear Rose, already far ahead of me. I wiggle under the fence, my gait is taller than Rose as a human, and I guess it translates to wolf too, because, damn this fence hurts.

I shake the dirt from my fur and make a run for it, I feel the the bloodhounds approaching closer and pick up the pace, scared I'll trip. My feet carry me to where Rose is waiting and I've back tracked so much through mud and bushes and a river that the bloodhounds must've gotten lost by now.

'Let's shift back now,' I tell her. Her body goes from animal to human in less than 3 seconds. She's gorgeous. No no no what the hell am I thinking? I need to get home.

I force my body upright, into a human body. "How far until the road from here?" Now that I think about it, more or less 20 miles.

"Shouldn't take too long to get there, but we need to keep moving. The bloodhounds aren't going to give up at the fence, but they're gonna have to go back to the complex to get gear," Rose says. "We can rest her but only for a while."

  I walk away and lay down behind a tree, wishing I had a blanket to cover my body with. I miss my family. I can't wait to get back home and I hope they're not too worried. I know Megan wont be. Of all people, he knows I can handle this. Everyone else though, probably won't be as cool headed about it. Jamie will more than likely cry when I get back. Or throw something at my head. More likely the latter.


Rose comes back behind my tree. Wolf Rose, of course. 'Ready?' she asks.

"Yeah," I say aloud. I shift back into a wolf. The shifting has gotten easier since I learned how to control it more.

'This way.' I follow her lead and we make our way towards the road where I came from.

When we're almost to the road, I see my trail of clothes. Oddly enough, not the sweater I was wearing. Megan, goddamit. I loved that swaeter. 'We're almost to the road, look around for a cell phone, I might have dropped it.'

'Why the hell would there be a ph-'

'Hey look!' I shift out of the wolf body and grab my cell phone out of my jeans pocket. How is it still in here? Whatever. I dial Megan's number.

Ring, ring, ring. "Hey this is Megan, sorry I can't come to the phone right now, so leave a message! ..... and eat a rock." Stupid voicemail. That she never checks.

"Megan, come back to where you parked last time, I made it out, but there's not much time. Hurry," I say. My nerves tingle and my hair stands on end. In a flurry, I grab my clothes, putting them on piece by piece.

My phone rings on the ground. I pick up. "WILLA ARE YOU OKAY?" Megan shouts into the phone, obviously outside the flat otherwise she'd wake everyone up.

"I'm fine. Ya know, besides the fact I'm a werewolf now. Come get me now. Hurry, there's a pack of creepy dogs on our trail. Not looking good," I say into the phone, which alerts me to its low battery.

"Wait wait wait... our? Who's with you? Is it that bitch who attacked you?"

"Yeah. I don't know if we should leave her or not." I check around me to make sure she can't heat me whisper that last part.

"You can't. Who said it was okay to leave people to die?"

"Since when did you have strong morals? Anyway, just get here."

"Already in the car. I wouldn't call Ben if I were you. He's on edge lately. I'll call him and tell him you're alive."

"Its gonna take you an hour to get here, I'll call him myself."

"Ugh, fine."

"Call me when you get here."

"Kay." She hangs up and I make it a point not to call Ben.


I regret that decision immediately when I get in the car. "You brought him?!"

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