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A day doesn't go by when I don't think about my Annie. The one woman in my life I loved, besides my mother, but I ruined it because of my dumb ass needs!

"God she is beautiful." I look at the picture of me and her, I was holding her waist while we were on the grass and she had her breath taking smile while looking at the camera. We looked like a couple everyone wanted to be.

I caress her face from the picture frame. How I wish we could be like that again.

Annie didn't get to hear the whole story and I accused her of something she had no part in. Lily came to my office and showed me these photoshopped photos that I'm pretty sure a two year old could tell were fake but being me I was too upset to get a good look at them.

That's no excuse for my actions.

The second I saw Annie and Andrew kiss I flipped, Lily came and started kissing me and things took on from there. I regret it everyday. When I saw her walk in and the look of pain she had, I knew the photos were wrong.

Watching my wife run away with tears in her eyes made me feel likes I was getting stabbed in the chest. I guess it's true what they say, when you love someone so much you are in pain if knowing they are as well, but what's worse is, when you're the one who caused it.

"Shit!" I trash my room. I throw the things on my dresser down ruining my bed and punching the wall that already has dents in it from previous breakdowns.

I just want my Annie back.

I slide down letting the tears come down my face uncontrollably.


I wake up hearing the birds chirping and cars honking. How I wake up everyday.

Ever since that day happened I couldn't bring myself to be happy again like how I use to be. I figured out why, it's because the love of my life, the one person that could just smile at me and lift my day wasn't with me anymore and I was to blame.

I haven't talked to Lily since that day and when Annie left for good she came to my home and made things worse.

"Oh Nick!" I turn and look at the woman I thought I knew so well.

"What do you want." I walk past her into my home hearing her heels click behind me.

"Well isn't it obvious I want you." She purrs and tries to act sexy but it just look like she can't stand.

"Leave me alone you already caused enough!"

"But Nick! what about what happened in you-"

"Lily what happened was a mistake and was never suppose to happen! You took advantage of me and drove the love of my life away because you wanted me! Leave me the hell alone!" I slam the door in her face.

I fell to my knees starting to feel the tears go down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Annie" I stay like that for the rest of the day.

I still have dreams of it. The way to get rid of it for me was to drink.

I get my toast and eggs walking to the living room and turn the T.V. on only to find me on it. No surprise there.

"The Nick Collins was seen a few days ago drinking a water bottle but on his ring finger was a wedding band-"

I nearly spit my eggs out "Oh shit!" I turn the volume up.

"-according to an insider Mr.Collins was married but they separated due to some kind of misunderstanding that no one knows about just yet! We still do not know who this woman was and hope to find out soon, this is your host Maria Men-"

I turn the T.V. off and stare at my wedding band. One of the best days of my life with my love.

"I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs.Collins, you may kiss the bride." With that I grab Annie's hand, grab the back of her head gently and go in for a passionate kiss.

I have to remember that our families are watching to be able to pull away, but can't wait to see her later tonight for our honeymoon.

"God damn it Nick! Why do you ruin everything!" I punch the wall and walk to my room to get my phone and stare at another picture of me and her "God I miss her" I feel a warm tear go down my cheek and quickly wipe it off.

I unlock my phone looking up her name. It only shows her twitter page that she hasn't used in 9 years. Useless.

I decide to call a old worker that is a private investigator.

"Hello Mr.Collins."

"Hey Richard, um can you do me a favor?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Get any information on Annie Dobrick that you can, where she lives, where she works, anything."

"You got it sir, I will update you if I find anything."

"Thank you."

I end the call and look at the picture of me and Annie once again.

"I will find you my love"



Word count:884

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