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[E D I T E D]

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[E D I T E D]

A N N I E ☆

[O N E W E E K L A T E R]

Today is the day the cafe becomes fairly busy. That is because all the CEO's of companies or investors come to New York and they all come to our cafe for our well know coffee. I am never nervous about this day but thinking if he might come makes my stomach turn.

"Look who it is, it's my Anna-banna!"

"Hey Andrew." I say with a laugh.

After what happened between me and Nick, Andrew has been the best at helping. He showed me a way to live after everything. He showed me New York and helped me find a home, besides Emily and Amy he has been the best person there for me.

"So, are you ready for today?" He leans against the counter top taking a chocolate muffin.

"Of course I'm always ready." I say wiping the counter down.

"But you know-" He hesitates "He is suppose to be coming, they say he's cured and doesn't need to go."

"Well I might see him and I may not" I stop wiping staring into his hazel eyes.

"Well just know, me, Emily, and Amy are here for you, okay?"

"Yeah thank you, and I would like that muffin back" I snatch the muffin out of his hand and eat the rest.

"You are a cruel women" He says walking away backwards "I will be back!" with that he walks out and I go back to cleaning with a smile present on my face.

N I C K ☆

Today I have to go to this stupid convention in New York where all the other CEO's and investors will be to talk. I hate going to these things, and to make it all worse everyone knows about my drinking problem.

I sigh lifting my phone seeing a call from an unknown number.


"Mr.Collins I have some information on Annie Dobrick."

I stop working and put my full attention to the phone.

"Okay, what do you have"

"Well, she is living in New York now and works in a cafe called The Espresso. She lives in an apartment alone. Her parents are back at her home town as well as her brother."

"Thank you, that is enough."

I put my arms on my desk holding my head in my hands. This could be it, I can finally see her and explain. This can solve everything.

• • •

I finally land in New York with my mind set on finding the cafe Annie works in. I tell my driver to take me to one of the many hotels I own.

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