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{Dedicated to adieee94 thank you for the wonderful support love.}

[6 Y E A R S L A T E R]

[E D I T E D]


"Put that donut down right now Ethan!" I sigh fast walking to my 2 year old son.

"Mummy! give me!" He falls to the floor and crosses his arms.

"Not until after dinner." I take a small bite of the donut. Wow this is delicious, I take another bite and another and soon realize I am almost done with it.

"Mummy! That mine!" I stop mid chew and give him the donut.

"Sorry honey." He narrows his big blue orbs at me and eats what's left of his chocolate goodness.

"I'm home!" I turn my head and see Daniel walk in loosening his tie.

"Dwaddy!" Ethan runs to his father but in the process steps over my toe with his Nike shoes.

"Ethan!" He ignores me as Daniel throws him in the air.

"How's my little guy, giving mommy trouble?"

"Nu, she eat my donut!" Daniel looks over at me with raised eyebrows as I just shrug.

Don't make me handle sweet things, I will eat it.

"And how is my Queen doing today?" Daniel gives me a peck "Oh you did eat his chocolate donut."

I smile and hit his chest "How was work?" He puts down Ethan and takes a seat at the island chairs.

"It was good we finally got the company to sign the deal with us."

I smile putting dinner on his and Ethan's plate "That's great!"

He smiles "Yeah it only took five months."

I roll my eyes and give wipe Ethan's mouth as rice falls down his face "At least you got it right?"

"Right." He says in between a breath "So how is Luke with his third child on the way."

I cringe thinking about seeing my brother a nervous wreck learning about his third child on the way. But as I always tell him, remember to wrap your willy!

"Nervous and excited."

"I would be too if I am being completely honest, three kids that's amazing." I nod and get Ethan another donut since I basically ate his.

"Yeah about that honey." He stops raising the donut to his mouth and stares about me.

"About what?"

I sit down again and grab his hands. This is a very difficult subject to get Daniel to talk about. He was nervous with Ethan and said after we have Ethan he doesn't want any more children.

"I'm pregnant."

His eyes open wide and the next thing I see is him picking me out of my chair and spinning me around "Are you serious!"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure." He puts me down and kisses my forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too." After that we continued on with the night and when Ethan finally fell asleep Daniel immediately took me to the bedroom.


"Hey! Rose princess put that down please." I wipe my forehead with my free hand.

"Bwut daddy I want it!" She stomps her foot taking a bite of the chocolate cake.

I roll my eyes "Fine have a tummy ache then." Her eyes widen as she throws the cake away.

"Good girl-Connor! Put your sister down right now!" He puts Rose back on her feet.

A heavy sigh leaves my lips as I take a seat on the couch next to my love "Well someone looks tired, does someone need some relaxing." Liliana pouts as running her hands through my hair.

"I wish." I put my head back watching Rose and Conner run in circles.

"I would help but you know, I'm kind of pregnant with your third child." I give her a pointed look "It's not my fault you don't like to wrap and get all possessive." She whispers.

I'm ready to argue back but before I can "Honey can you get them ready for dinner I'm too tired right now."

With wide eyes I sit up "But-"

Her eyes narrow "Yes dear."

"Okay kids!" I say clapping my hands together standing on my feet "Who's ready for for some pasta!"

Both run to the kitchen "Well that was easier than I thought."

I roll my eyes looking at my beautiful wife "Why you wanted me to suffer?"

She looks up as if thinking about it "Hmm. Maybe."

I chuckle pecking her cheek and putting my hand on her stomach "Wow, my third child."

She smiles at me "Lulu Collins."

I feel her kick "Oh, she knows I'm here."

Liliana smirks putting her hands out for me to help her up "I highly doubt that I bet she wants more food."

"Whatever helps you sleep." I feel a thud on the back of my head "Um, ow."

She sends a glare my way "That's what I thought now hurry up and serve them before they start yelli-"


We both look at each other "Too late."

The official ending. *sniffs* I hope you enjoyed reading this book and haven't realized what a waste of time it is. Just kidding! I guess.

Love you all and thank you for reading and voting to the some that did! (:


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