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*Not Edited*


"Emmy come here honey." I say while wiping off imaginary dust from my dress.

"Yes mom." She says looking away from her phone.

"Please get Luke, it's almost time to leave."

A smile lightly crosses her features as she gets up.

I sigh when she is out of sight. 5 years later. Who would have thought. It went by so quickly. Emmy is now seven and Luke is fourteen!

"You asked for me." I look up to see Luke fixing his black tie.

"We are leaving now."

He nods "Okay" He hesitates before continuing "Do you think dad is coming."

I inhale a deep breath and look at the marbled floor "I think so, he misses you guys."

He raises his eyebrow leaning on one leg "Where did you hear that?"

A laugh escapes my lips as I look at him "He texted me."

He scoffs looking at Emmy as she walks in "You're funny."

"We are done with this conversation."

He smiles grabbing Emmy's hand.

"Can we get frozen yogurt mommy!"

"No way last time we did you dropped it all over my jeans and new adidas shirt!"

A smile spreads across my face while unlocking the car. "Please mommy!"

Isigh escapes my lips turning on the car "After the party."

A grumble escapes her lips as she crosses her arms across her chest "Fine."


"We're here!" I laugh grabbing Emmys hand.

"Will daddy be here mommy!" I squeeze her hand and shake my head.

"I don't think so love."

A frown spreads her small lips "It's okay honey, uncle Nick will be here."

Her frown is replaced with a smile "Okay!"

We enter the big mansion with my mouth turing into an 'O.'

"Wow." Luke says fixing his brown locks.


"Annie you're here! With my favorite kids!" I look to the right and see Amy attempting to run in her stilettos.

"Hey Auntie Amy!" Emmy runs from me and attacks Amy's waist.

"Hello my favorite girl in the world besides the one growing in me."

I laugh while shaking my head. After about 4 years of Amy in her relationship they finally decided to start a family.

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