A f t e r 3

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Nick P.OV

I can't do this shït anymore.

I don't know how long I have been sitting in my kitchen waiting for Ella to come home to break the news to her but I know it's been hours.

I grab my phone hesitantly putting my finger above her name to call. I finally let my finger press the green button.


"Hey, Annie."

"Oh, Nick, How are you I haven't heard from you since the party."

I smile thinking about how cute she would look right now with her face scrunched up "I-uh-ya know, Ive been good and you?"

What the hell shut up with your stuttering. I slap my forehead while shaking my head.

"I've been go-" I hear a baby cry from the other side of the phone "I'm sorry Nick, Emily hasn't gotten much sleep."

I shake my head making some brown curls fall to my face while sitting up "It's fine, I can call you back."

"Okay, thanks for checking up Nick."

I grin from ear to ear while hanging up.

"So who were you talking to on the phone Nick?"

My eyes widen and I'm pretty sure my mouth is opening and closing looking like a fish.

"It was um-ha you know-" I scratch the back of my neck while backing away slowly.

Remember to always be cautious in front of wild animals.

"Nick! Why do you keep calling her!"

I sigh heavily while dropping my hands to my sides "Because I can Ella, your not my mother!"

Her lips pucker as she puts her freshly done manicured hands on her hips "I am telling you Nick, You better stop talking to her or else."

I narrow my eyes at her green ones, she can't do anything.

"Or else what Ella?"

"You choose me or her." She puts her nose up in disgust while thinking about my Annie."

"Well I choose-"


Annie P.O.V

"Emily honey please put your arms in the jacket."

She licks more greek yogurt from the cup leaving a trail on her nose "No!"

"Emily, please or else we can't go out to eat at your favorite place."

Her big brown eyes slightly widen as she flaps her arms "Hurry mommy! I want to go eat!"

I laugh while putting on her jacket and picking her up from the chair.

"Alright who's ready for some Olive Garden!"

"Me!" Emily wiggles her arms trying to go to her father as he takes her.

"That's my baby girl." He kisses both her chubby cheeks while coming over to me.

"Now how about you Mrs.Smith." He puts his hand on my lower back rubbing his hand in small circles.

"I'm always ready for those breadsticks."

He chuckles as his hand goes lower and soon feel a pinch at my butt "Andrew!" I slap his arm away while pouting and taking Emily back.

"Okay it's time to go."

I walk with Emily in my hands and Luke next to me while hearing Andrews laugh behind us.

He cant know Nick contacted me, not right now.

Nick P.O.V

"Stuart I am sure."

"Okay sir just wanted to get an okay from you to double check."

"Well I am sure, take all her things and set them outside near the trash- where she belongs" I whisper the last part while taking a seat in my leather chair.

"What was that sir?"

"Nothing Stuart sorry just take her things out."

"Yes sir."

This is probably the best thing that has happened to me.

Hey friends! Sorry for the slow updates! More drama coming soon.
Not many chapters left.


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