A f t e r 9

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*Not edited*


"Uhm-" She plays with the ring on her finger I wish she would take off and fidgets around.

"Annie please."

She sighs heavily and stands up while wiping her pants "Nick-"

"Annie, just tell me."

She looks away and puts her bottom lip between her lips "Yes, it was real the second time."

No. No. No. She's lying.

She wouldn't do that to me when we were trying again "You're lying."

She sniffs with glossy eyes "I wish I was Nick" She hugs herself while pacing in the small intoxicating room "I felt alone, I know we were trying but-" She shakes her head "I regret that I haven't told you sooner."

I scratch the back of my neck and try to control my breathing.

"An-annie, is that when you decided to leave me, forget about trying, to go with that bastard!"

She flinches while tears pour out of her eyes "Nick I'm s-"

"Save it Annie!"

I can't be here right now.

I leave the house with no idea where to go next.



I knew I should have told him sooner. I just didn't have it in me, I know he hurt me first but I still couldn't do it.

"Annie, baby."

I look at Andrew slowly getting up while rubbing his temples "Can we talk now."

"Andrew you-"

"Annie we need to, please." He looks up at me with pleading eyes.


I take a seat next to him but far away in touching distance which doesn't go unnoticed by him as a frown takes upon his face "Look Annie, I know what I did was wrong, stupid and I am a complete fucking idiot for throwing something like us away for that, women."

Suck it in Annie, don't show him your tears.

"I just-" he paused and I looked over to see his shoulders shaking and his face covered by his hands "I love you so fucking much Annie it pains me." His red eyes look up at my own "I can't loose you, we can try again just please Annie give me a chance."

He grabs my hands but as soon as I felt the contact I pushed him away "Andrew no I cant" I shake my head "What you did was-horrible, worse than what Nick did to me and I left him, I don't think I can forgive you for this."

He whimpers scooting closer to me "Annie you can't leave me I'm not ready for you to go yet, please baby we have Emmy who is only two, it will hurt her."

I stand up grabbing my purse "Maybe you should have thought about that before fucking that woman!"

I walk to Amy's room ignoring his pleads and see Emmy asleep on the bed with Luke on his phone "Hey mom."

I give him a soft smile and sit at the edge of the bed "Hey honey, how was Emmy?"

He rubs her small stomach while looking at her with adoration "She was fine." Luke has always adored Emily and when he learned I was having a baby he was so excited he told everyone he knew about it.

"How are you holding up?"

He looks back at me "Okay I guess, just surprised this happened again."

"Me too."

"I think you should stay off men mom."

I chuckle while raising my eyebrow at him "Really, is that so?"

He nods and scoots his body closer to Emmys "Yeah mom you need a break and have whatever those girls call a spa day."

A laugh escapes my mouth as I lay down next to my both of my kids.

"I love you Luke you know that right."

He smiles up at me "Yes, I love you too."

A tear escapes my eye as I realize what I need to do.



We are getting towards the end my friends, sad face.

Check out my profile if you want to kill time for more books!

G O A L 1 1 2 V O T E S F O R N E X T C H A P T E R ! ¡

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