Chapter 3.5

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I was 100% serious.
I was 100% determined.
I was 100% motivated.
I was 100% sure.

Yes, I'm only sixteen, but I can fly by myself. Someone would just have to drive me (my mom, obviously) and pick me up at the airport.

Perhaps, someone by the name of Kim Samuel could pick me up? Or as I liked to call him, Sammy.

I can't believe he actually thinks I began to talk to him again because he got famous! That really stung. It's been three years since I last contacted him and that's all he thinks? After however many years of friendship we had, which felt like an eternity, he thinks I would just use him for his status? Is that what he thinks I've become now? If so, I'd be ashamed. Even if I know I'm not like that myself, the fact that my best friend thinks that's what I turned into made me upset at myself for ever letting him get that image. I would never use him, or anyone for that matter. I knew the feeling all too well, and it isn't very pleasant.

I wasn't lying when I said it broke me. It sent me in a downward spiral. I isolated myself socially and went into a depressive state. I couldn't sleep because I'd always dream of him and all the fun times we had together. Everything I ever loved had been left behind in Korea after I was practically forced to move to Canada. Most of the time, I was overloaded with stress from trying to look after my mental health and keep up my grades, which began to fall. I barely talk now, the most my mom can get out of me is probably three words a day.

I stared up at the picture frame on my desk. A picture of my house back in Korea stared back at me. I picked it up carefully and turned it around to reveal a different picture. A picture of me and Sammy. We were around ten years old at that time. I held up a peace sign happily, my arm around Samuel. He too held up a peace sign and had his arm around me. We were both smiling like there was nothing better in the world than each other.

I couldn't help but wonder if Samuel kept the other copy of this picture. We purposely made two of the same one and promised to always keep it with us. Part of me suspected that it was buried somewhere in his drawers, seeming to be nothing important. After all, it seemed like any regular selca. Although, a small spark of hope in me wished that he kept it as close to him as possible and treasured it just as I did.

I wonder if I sound obsessive right now. God, it's just that I miss him so much. I want my best friend back. I miss all the fun times we had together, how easy it was to be myself around him, how he was there for me 24/7. I wish I never moved to Canada. Here, a fake personality is key.

Before I could send myself back into the dark place in my mind that I'm so used to -- I could probably call it my home -- I pulled out my laptop and quickly typed in, "flights to seoul."

I browsed through numerous travel sites, searching for a flight that had a near departure date and a cheap price. I wanted to see him as soon as possible. I think my mom has already gotten the message that she can't control my life anymore. She knows that she can't stop me from doing this, even if she put her whole life into it.

Finally, I found the perfect one. Its departure date was two weeks from now. Before I could process what I was doing, I clicked a button.

I was now registered to take a flight from Toronto, Canada to Seoul, South Korea.

There was no turning back anymore. There was no way to change my mind.

I was 100% going to see my childhood best friend, Kim-freaking-Samuel.

《Recovered Times》Kim Samuel [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now