Chapter 5.5

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I sighed and faceplanted onto my bed. I buried my head in a pillow and groaned. At that point, there was only one thing going through my mind.

God, I hate her so much.

She thinks she's been the perfect parent. Bullshit. I bet she doesn't even remember my birthday. But then again, it's not like she ever tried to learn anything about her only daughter. She never cared from the start. I'm alone 24/7 anyways. What's the difference if I'm alone 24/7 in a different country? Especially one that I grew up in?

She doesn't have a right to control my life anymore. She somehow still managed to ruin it, even though she was barely present.

Yes, it's quite obvious that I'm downright disrespectful to her. I know I should, but I don't feel any sort of regret or shame towards that fact. I hated her ever since she hurt the one I cared about. The one I valued in life. By hurting him, she hurt me, and she just doesn't get that.

I turned back to the picture frame sitting on my desk. The picture of Samuel and I staring back at me once again.

"Are you sure you wanna come over? My mom is kinda scary," I asked, my voice unsteady.

He nodded, still smiling brightly.

"Yep!" he chirped.

I frowned slightly, wondering how he could be so cheerful all the time.

"Sammy, can we please just go to your house or the park?" I pleaded, recalling my mother's behaviour.

He pouted slightly, "But we always go to my house! I wanna see yours!"

I bit my lip nervously. With my mom's unpredictable behaviour lately, I didn't know what to expect.

"Fine," I gave in eventually.

We arrived at the front of my house. It was a decent size, but seemed rather large for just two inhabitants. I hesitated as I placed my hand on the doorknob. I turned to Samuel.

"Are you 100% sure you want to come here?" I asked one more time, praying he'd change his mind.

But, of course, he didn't.

"Your mom can't be that bad!"

I told him stories of my mom. Of how she'd never be home and when she was, she'd use me as a way to release her anger and stress. Fear clouded my mind suddenly. I didn't want Samuel to meet me crazy mom! He'd drop me as a friend for sure!

"Wait," I said suddenly, twisting the knob halfway. I turned to Samuel and gave him a serious expression, "You can't... you can't leave me okay?"

Samuel looked taken aback by my words. "I would never," he said, frowning slightly.

I nodded, satisfied. I knew he was serious. I trusted him.

And so, I turned the door knob and walked into my house.

"Mom! I'm home!" I called out timidly.

"Cool!" she shouted back in a bored tone.

I sighed and lowered my gaze to the ground. Samuel's mom always greeted him and I when I went over with big smiles and a cheerful attitude. My mother didn't even bother to stop what she was doing for just one minute to say hi.

《Recovered Times》Kim Samuel [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now