Chapter 10.5

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The sound of my alarm ringing in my ear became irritating. I looked up at the digital clock sleepily to see that it read 12:45. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I had tried to stay up, but I guess I fell asleep. Good thing I set an alarm or else I probably would've slept until morning.

I headed over to the table and prepared a small bag in case Evelyn wanted to explore the city. I also searched for two face masks. I didn't want our identities exposed. Of course, with my luck, I couldn't find one anywhere.

I sat down on the table and put my head down. This was so annoying. I should've slept earlier.

I soon felt my eyes closing. I struggled to keep them open but ultimately failed. I couldn't help myself. I felt exhausted.

I jolted awake and looked at the time. 1:15. Shoot. I was already fifteen minutes late.

I gathered all the strength I had and ran out the door. After a while I got tired and ended up walking halfway to the airport. By the time I arrived it was 1:30.

I paced back and forth looking for Evelyn. Even though there wasn't nearly as many people in the airport as there usually was, I just couldn't seem to find her.

Maybe she wasn't in this hallway. I turned around and began to walk in the direction of a different section of the airport when I saw a girl sitting on a chair, resting her head on her hands. She was staring into space and seemed exhausted. Suddenly she looked up at me and our eyes met. Automatically, I recognized her face.

It was Min Evelyn.

Her eyes flickered and I knew she recognized me as well.

"Samuel?" she whispered, just loudly enough so that I could hear her.


She got up from the chair and sprinted towards me. On instinct, I ran towards her as well. That was a bad idea as we ended up crashing into each other.

She laughed and pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but smile and wrap my arms tightly around her.

"I missed you!" I cried happily. For three years, I've waited for this day to come.

"I'm so sorry Sammy," she said, burying her head in my shoulder. "I should've stayed behind or at least I should've told you that I was leaving."

I felt the familiar feeling of emptiness in me as I recalled the day she left Seoul when we were younger.

"I should've-"

"It's okay," I whispered, cutting her off.

She pulled away and smiled. It was the same smile I've always known. The one of a kind smile that can only belong to Evie.

"Are you tired?" she suddenly asked.

I shook my head. I wasn't tired anymore now that I was with her.

"I was, but then I saw you. I'm hyped now."

A look of excitement danced in her eyes as she linked arms with me. She pulled me towards the exit of the airport.

"Do I get a tour of the city then?" she asked, but I knew it was more of a request than a question.

"Yep. Nothing's open right now, but I'll find something cool," I promised.

We headed out of the airport and I found Evelyn looking up at the stars in awe. I couldn't help but feel hyper as I glanced at her. Any bit of tiredness left in my body had now dissolved. I couldn't believe that she came all the way here just for me! But then I remembered, she wasn't here for me. She wanted to see a K-Pop idol.

I stopped walking and pulled Evelyn back. She looked at me questioningly.

"You said you were here to see a K-Pop idol. Which one?"

She didn't answer my question. Instead she only laughed.

"So?" I pressed, not letting the topic drop, "Are you going to tell me or not?"

"Hmm..." she thought mockingly.

"Yah! Come on Evelyn! I'm curious!" I whined.

She smiled brightly and whispered, "It's a secret okay?"

I nodded eagerly.

"I'm here to see Punch," she said and winked at me, her cheeks slightly turning red. She quickly skipped ahead and left me staring at her with an idiotic smile plastered on my face.

The End.

《Recovered Times》Kim Samuel [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now