Trying Everything

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I woke up pissed off today, and lately everyone feels fake.

That was what Troye Sivan said, and it happened to me that day. 

I walked to the bathroom to shower, but with my eyes were still too lazy to open. I didn't notice Lucy was in front of me, saying "Hi, Lincoln." freaking my guts out. Anytime.

"I know what can cheer you up from Ronnie Anne." Lucy said. "Maybe you can give her my horror books. Always worked whenever I tried it."

"Thanks Lucy, but--"

"What are you talking about? That idea's lame. How about being my baseball partner? That helps  clear your mind." Lynn added.


"No, Lincoln needs some humor to erase his sadness. He'll come to the stand-up comedy show with me tonight." Luan said.

"No, he's going to my pageant! And that's final! No more ideas!" Lola said.

She had started another stupid, useless fight. So much for cheering me up.

I called them to stop and said, "Guys, really, no offense, but your ideas are too mainstream. Can't we try something different?"

"Like what?" Lori said.

"I don't know, maybe a road trip to somewhere special enough to clear my mind. Can you guys think about it? I'm about to take a shower." I said, as I walked in the bathroom.

(Lori's POV)

Now where were we? Oh yes. Right after Lincoln got in the bathroom, we began our meeting. "So do you have any ideas about where will we go? And remember, it has to be special for Lincoln."

"I know, we should go to a fashion show." Leni said.

"No, Leni, it has to be perfect for Lincoln, don't be selfish." I said.

"How about the beach?" Lola asked.

"How about Dairyland?" Lana asked.

"No, beach is better!" Lola said. "Nu-uh, Dairyland is! Beach is only for sassy girls." Lana said. And that one triggered Lola to jump on Lana, starting a twin fight. While the others were arguing against each other.

"Fweeet!" I blew my whistle, and instantly they stopped fighting. "See, whenever we're arguing we always started a fight! I don't want anymore messy fights around here, only for fooling around, deciding whose butt is the best. We're here for Lincoln, people! You should feel empathy for Lincoln. We at least have to make him move on,"

"So what's your idea?" Lucy asked.

"We should go to a place that HE might like." I said.

"How about the city where Ace Savvy lives?" Leni asked.

"That city doesn't even exist, Leni." I grunted.

"How about Ace Savvy convention?" Luna said.

"No, it's still in 6 months." I said.

"You know, I got a better idea. Why don't we just find out Lincoln's favorite cartoon show, then just go visit the cartoon's place." Lana said.

"I don't know Lincoln likes cartoons." I said.

"Dude, you don't know? Everytime I wanted to watch rock shows, Lincoln always there firstly, watching Steven Universe. I know that cartoon from him. That's why I always make Greg Universe's guitar solo impression." Luna said.

"And from that cartoon I knew a lot of puns." Luan added.

"And Lapis Lazuli is my favorite character." Lucy added. "I love her failure spirits and always giving up."

"Okay, we know that Lincoln likes watching Steven Universe, but where does exactly he live?" I asked.

"Beach City." said five of the sisters.

"How far is it from here?" Leni asked.

"Well, calculating that Beach City is located at Delmarva, Delaware, it would take approximately 30 hours and 13 minutes by a ground vehicle." Lisa said.

"I'm confused, though. So many alien gems threatening them, but cities nearby like D.C. aren't alarmed by those attacks." I said.

"Well, it would sucks if the government meddles in the show." Lynn said.

At that time, Lincoln had came out from the bathroom, asking, "So how did it go?" His still frowned, although he'd took a fresh shower.

"We decided to go to BEACH CITY!" the twins said in unison.

At that moment, we finally saw a hype feeling on Lincoln's face. "Y-you're not k-kidding, r-right???" he stuttered in shock.

"We're your sisters, Linc. We don't want you to feel blue again. It'll make us more worried." I said.

"That- that is awesome! That's my favorite show! I can't believe we'll go there! We can meet Steven, the Crystal Gems, and the best part--seeing the other world inside Lion's mane." Lincoln said excitedly.

"Now, we just gotta ask mom and dad." Luna said.

But the answer we got from dad was, "Sorry kids, but we're not going to Beach City."

"WHYYY? It's the same like the regular beach, just in other's show. It'll be 10 times more fun!" Lincoln said.

"You heard your dad." Mom said.

"Dad, I still remember an advice you gave me when I was a kid. You said, 'If you felt sad, just find your happy place.'" I said.

"Yes, I know, but--"

We pleaded them again.

After that, both of them discussed. They whispered to each other, but I did hear a line. "They will be brought to That's what I scared of." And judging from their whispers, I thought they were afraid of something.

Two minutes later, Dad spoke up. "Okay, girls. It's decided. We're going to Beach City first thing on morning!"

Of course, we were really HYPED, especially Lincoln. We thanked our mom and dad, and then everyone returned to their usual activites. And Lincoln was happy for the first time since we were in the Casagrandes.

I got back to my phone, texting Bobby, as always, telling him I would be out for 3-4 days or so. Everyone seemed happy and couldn't wait until the day arrived.


A/N: Hey guys, so I will make another novel, it will be titled "Twin Rope". It'll tell about the twin feud between Lola and Lana. But when that feud makes them lost in the forest, they have to work together to find the way out, especially from the villain that exploits the forest. Out soon, and next chapter out soon. Stay tuned!

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