At Onion's House

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I couldn't believe it. Steven was right there, in front of my sight.

Probably just the best thing that ever happened to me.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go say hi!" Lynn said to me, poking me, smiling. It seemed our feud was over.

"I.. I don't know... He... I..." I froze, as if I were a president and going to give a speech to millions of people.

"Oh, don't be nervous, bro, it's like meeting Mick Swagger, which I wished for." Luna said.

Steven was almost disappearing through the street. I was almost relieved, until Lynn said, "Fine, I'll do it myself."

Then she did the dumbest thing ever.


I shook Lynn's arms,trying to stop her. Great, great, great. I can't believe this. I thought.

Then Steven looked to us. Oh no.

"Hey there, who are you guys?" He said. He was speaking to us. Speaking to us.

What in the freaking world will I say next? I thought.

Lynn helped me, though. "Hey Steven, bro. We know everything about you, from this boy right here, Lincoln. Come on Lincoln, speak up."

Well, she just made it worse. She made Steven walked towards us. Then, I saw Steven, holding a tray of sushi.

"I.. I..." I knew I had to say something.

"O...kay? Well, I gotta go. Nice to meet you." Steven said.

"Wait, wait, NO!" I shouted. I realized my mistake. "Oops, I'm sorry."

Waiting and scared of Steven's reaction, I looked at the sushi tray that he brought. "Hey, you made sushi? I don't know you like Japanese food."

Steven laughed. "Well, my dad always brought me to the Japanese restaurant since little. So yeah, I know how to make one. This one is with extra chips. Delicious isn't it?"

"Of course, but no, it is for you, I won't eat it, I'm full." I chuckled. I couldn't believe how fast I could get along him. "Besides, with 10 sisters, we just eat regular goulash and casseroles.. But still I love them all."

"Well, you and your sisters can join me to... wait did you say 10 sisters?!" Steven shocked, almost dropped his tray.

"Whoa, whoa, easy there."I said, holding the tray from falling. "Yeah, crazy right?"

"Oh my, why don't we talk while we walk?" Steven said.

"Good idea." I said.

"Hey that rhymes! That could be a line for my song." Luna said.

Lynn punched me in the arms. "See? You finally have a new friend, and he's a gem!"

I smiled in joy. Yes, indeed. I felt great thrill inside me. Oh man, can this be the best night ever? I thought.

"So, tell me more about your sisters. Ten, huh? How's your mom?" Steven asked.

We all laughed. "No, she's fine." I said.

"What are their names? Man, it'll be tough to remember it." Steven rubbed his hair.

"Not really, if you can get your tongue right. We're the Loud siblings. This is Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, and Lucy." I said, pointing at their names.

"4, 5, 6. There are only six. Where are the others?" Steven asked.

"Oh, the twins, Lana & Lola, Lisa, and Lily are at the motel." Lori said.

The Loud Universe (Part 1: The Burden) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now