Aaron x Aphmau | Phoenix Drop High

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Sorry for not updating this book in so long ;w; I've been busy school, but here's some Aarmau ❤️💜

Aphmau's P.O.V

I swiftly stumbled down the hallway, wincing as my bruised legs were forced to carry my weight.

I guess you could say I was used to this.

I got bullied everyday by a gang at school.

They called themselves ' The Shadow Knights '

First week of my freshman year, they made fun of my height, and called me mean things.

It's been years since it first started, I still haven't told anyone.

I'd tell my concerned friends that I fell down the stairs, or I was playing soccer and fell down.

I'd tell my worried mother that one of my friend's dog was too rough with me, or I just hit my bruised sides on the desks.

Those excuses were getting old now, and I was running out of lies.

I want to tell someone, I really do.

But Gene, the leader of ' The Shadow Knights ' threatened to hurt me worse and spill my biggest secret to the whole school if I even dared to tell a soul.

I wasn't going to take any chances.

If the whole school knew my biggest secret, I'd be doomed.

If I got beaten up worse, it'd hurt me more than before, and the bruises would be harder to hide.

I signed as I entered the girls bathroom.

No one to be seen.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and stepped into one of the toilets.

This is where I hid daily, every lunchtime, I'd hide in here, mainly to avoid the bullies.

I carefully sat myself down on the toilet.

Why does it have to be this way?

Why me?

Why does my highschool years have to be full of pain?

I looked down at my trembling hands. They were covered in cuts and red gashes from falling to the ground everytime they'd push me.

I let out a slight cry.

I wish I could tell somebody, I wish I could trust someone enough to not tell anyone else.

The loud sound of an alarm shot me right out of my thoughts.

I glanced up and heard teachers and student councillors yelling outside.



I gasped

A fire? We've never had a real fire before, we've only had drills.


I quickly stood up and tried to unlock the toilet door.

It wouldn't budge.

My panic raised as I tugged at the lock more

Why won't it move!?

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