Zane x Travis | Phoenix Drop High

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Zane's P.O.V

"Okay, students! Quieten down!" Yells principle Layla over the chatty class.

"As you all know, the Phoenix Drop Ball will be held next month, and so we are required to teach everyone how to ball dance, even if you aren't planning on going it's good to learn this." States Principle Layla.

The whole class cheered, while I groaned in annoyance.

Of course I wasn't planning on going, no way. This whole event was just a huge waste of time.

Principle Layla shushed the class and began her next instruction.

"You will all be assigned a dance partner to practise with. But don't worry, you won't be assigned someone to go the actual ball with, that's your choices" the principle said and winked at us all.

Pfft, creep.

I looked over at the girls and saw that they all had worried expressions on their faces.

I wouldn't blame them, every guy in this class was a total weirdo.

I just hoped my dance partner already knew how to dance so I could sit out. There's no way I'm doing this ridiculous ball dancing with a stranger.

"Now, let me read the names of your dance partners! Once your name is called stand up and stand with your partner somewhere on the gym floor." She ordered and unfolded a piece of paper with all the pairings.

"Garroth Ro'meave with Ivy Pliston"

Ivy and her friends cheered as she ran over to Garroth.

"Looks like we're partners, GaarOth!" Ivy said, mispronouncing his name.

"Heh, Heh, yeah." Garroth bluntly replied and walked over to the big gym floor.

I heard many girls sign.

I guess they all wanted to go with Garroth.

"Lillian Brocoli with Tyson Smith!"

"Gem Opocil with Luke West!"

Dante Steth with Nicole Von-Rosenburg!"

"Aphmau Potato with Aaron Lycan!"

"Katty Dance with Blaze Paze!"

(Gave everyone made-up last names XD Except for people that lastname's have been revealed :3)

"And finally,"

"Zane Ro'meave with Travis Valkrum!"

The whole class laughed hysterically.

I suddenly looked up and saw that no girls were left.

"Sorry, boys, we ran out of girls so you two will have to dance together." Principle Layla apologised and motioned for us to go over to the gym with the laughing class.

I panicked and looked over at Travis who was starring at me with wide, emerald eyes.

I do know Travis, he's in my homeroom, and he's a friend of Aphmau whose a friend of mine, he can't be that bad. But that doesn't change how embarrassing this will be, hopefully I can find a way to sit this out.

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