Dottie x Blaze | Starlight

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Dottie's P.O.V


"Hurry up guys! We need to get to the waterslides early before the line gets too long!" Daniel yelled in excitement as we were all getting ready to go to the newly built waterslides.

"I'm brushing my teeth!" I heard Rylan yell back from his bathroom.

"Well do it faster!" Daniel yelled back

I laughed at the two as I finished combing my purple hair.

I loved waterslides, I was really looking forward to go there with my friends.

Daniel, Rylan, Maria, Blaze, and I were all going together. We did invite Aphmau and Aaron but they were spending time with their other friends today, which we totally understood!

"I'm ready!" I heard Maria shout outside.

"Finally! That's one werewolf ready!" Daniel whined.

"Blaze, Dottie, Rylan, Hurry up!" Maria shouted at our bedroom doors.

"I'm ready!" I yelled back. They're so impatient. By the time we get there, the waterslides won't be open until another 20 minutes. I doubt anyone would be there at that time anyway.

"Me too!" Rylan yelled and ran out of his room as I opened my door and began to follow him.

Until I heard a cough.

It sounded really bad and barky. Who was it?

I looked around in the direction of the cough and my eyes landed infront of Blaze's closed door. Was he not ready yet? Usually he's the first one ready and awake every morning.

I walked closer to this bedroom door and knocked carefully "Blaze? Are you ready to go?" I asked and remained standing infront of the wooden door.

I heard another bad cough.

"Y-Yeah! I'll be there in a second" I heard Blaze say. He didn't sound like himself. His voice was all groggily and it cracked when he yelled.

"Blaze? Are you okay? You sound different..." I questioned and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Uhh... Yeah, I think I'm getting ill, but I'll be okay." Blaze surprisingly admitted.

"Are you sure? It'll only get worse if you go out!" I yelled back. Believe me, I wanted Blaze to come along but he honestly needs to stay home and rest, otherwise it may get worse than it already is.

"Nah, I insist, I'll live" Blaze laughed from the other side.

"At least let me get you some medicine," I said, and without waiting for a reply, I ran downstairs and to the kitchen to fetch some medicine for Blaze.

"Dottie? Are you ready to go?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

I turned around with medicine in my hand only to meet eyes with Rylan.

"Yeah! But Blaze isn't feeling well, I'm going to give him some medicine" I exclaimed and walked past Rylan.

"Blaze is sick? Aww, but we were gonna go to the waterslides!" Rylan whined and followed behind me while walking upstairs.

"You guys can still go, but I think I'll stay home with Blaze. He says he wants to go still, but I really don't think that would be a good idea." I stated and smiled at Rylan.

"You're right, he won't have enough energy. Are you sure though? We can schedule it for another day.." Asked Rylan, smiling back.

"I insist! I love looking after people when they're sick anyway, you guys go have your fun!" I replied and laughed while shooing Rylan off.

"Alright, I'll tell the others, but you're coming with us another day!" Rylan waved and yelled back after jogging downstairs.

I stood their smiling at him until he disappeared downstairs, and turned back to Blaze's door and carefully knocked.

"Blaze? May I come in? I got you some medicine." I said

Blaze's reply was muffled with loud coughing.

Without hesitation I opened the door, only to reveal Blaze laying down on his bed with tissues surrounding him. He looked like a complete mess

"Oh my Irene.." I whispered, startling Blaze, causing him to look up at me.

"O-Oh! H-Hi Dottie, I'm ready to go now, I was just laying down." Blaze smiled and began to get up.

"Blaze, you can't go out while being sick! You'll get more sick or make someone else sick" I tried to persuade him, making his eyes soften.

"What about the others? Don't they want to go?" Blaze asked and looked down.

"They're all still going, I'm staying here to look after you, once you get better, we'll all be able to go together" I smiled and handed him the medicine.

"Thanks, but, you can go if you want, I don't want to spoil your day." Blaze smiled at me

"It's perfectly fine, I love looking after sick people!" I smiled in excitement.

Blaze laughed in reply, but his laugh was cut off by another cough.

"You should really get some rest now, I'm sure this is one of those one day sicknesses." I smiled while closing his bedroom curtains to block the sun so he could get some proper sleep.

"You're right, thanks Dottie." He smiled and wrapped himself in his covers.

I smiled in return and turned to walk out of his room,

"Hey, Dottie," Blaze called after me

I turned around and furrowed my eyebrows at him, "Yeah?"

"Thanks for caring," He said and gave me a warm smile.

"Of course!" I laughed and closed his bedroom door behind me.

This was a better feeling than going on a waterslide.

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