Dante x Vylad | Mystreet

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Vylad's P.O.V


I was tiredly walking back to Dante and I's shared apartment after I just finished work.

It was a uneventful day at the office. Nothing special really happened.. Once again.

I couldn't wait to get home and see Dante. He was always home earlier than me and we'd usually sit down and watch a movie together while eating a nice dinner.

I loved him. Ever since the day I met him. But he doesn't know that, I haven't told him. We're just roommates. It saddens me to think that I'll never have a chance with him, Dante has always liked girls, ever since highschool. I have tried to get over him as best I can, but I just.. Can't..

I stopped in front of the a white door and dug into my pocket for my keys. I finally pulled them out and unlocked the door, stepping out of the hallway and into the apartment.

"Dante! I'm home!" I yelled out as usual, while taking off my coat and setting it on the rack near the door.

After I got no answer, I began to get suspicious.

"Dante? Did you hear me?" I yelled once again.

Where was he? He was usually watching t.v when I arrived.

I furrowed my eyebrows and started walking into his bedroom.

"Dante? Are you in here?" I questioned again, looking around and in the bathroom that was connected to his room.

I stopped when I noticed a little piece of paper, folded on his bed.

What's this? I thought as I picked it up and began unfolding it. 

The note displayed Dante's familiar writing.

It read,

Weldome home, Vylad!
Sorry I'm not home right now, but I have a surprise for you!
Please meet me at Bounty park

Love, Dante

My eyes drifted away from the note and placed it back down onto the bed. What was he doing at the park?

I guess I'll find out if I go.

I walked out of the room and back the front door, not bothering to put my coat back on and started making my way across the street and to Bounty park.

I was still curious as to why he wanted to go to the park, I mean, I won't blame him, Bounty park was beautiful, but I was looking forward to cuddling with him.

I stepped into the grass, letting my shoes sink into it as I entered the park.

Strange, usually the park is always full of kids and parents walking around. Barely anyone was even on the playgrounds.

I snapped out of my thoughts and remembered that I had to find Dante. I hope he had a good explanation for this.

I eagerly looked around for the blue haired boy. But I couldn't seem to spot him. I began walking deeper into the park, keeping my eyes out for Dante.

"Dante?!" I decided to call out once I couldn't find him. It was getting dark and I was beginning to get slightly worried.

"Over here!" A sudden familiar voice called out from me.

I turned around and saw Dante sitting on a small, grassy hill, with a basket next to him.

"What are you doing here?!" I called back and smiled up at him.

"Come up here! We're gonna have a picnic!" He laughed and motioned for me to come up.

I rolled my eyes and decided not to argue. It's been a long time since Dante and I had a picnic with just the two of us.

As I reached the top, I crawled over to a grinning Dante and sat down infront of him, on the red mat that was placed onto the grass with all types of foods on it.

"Wow, you really outdid yourself!" I laughed as my eyes glanced at the food.

"Heh, well I wanted to make this special" he smiled and began lighting some candles.

"Dante you don't have to go that far!" I laughed again.

"Why don't you try some chicken? I cooked it myself!" Dante insisted, changing the subject almost instantly.

"Alright, sure" I smiled and picked up some chicken and bit into it.

"Wow, it tastes amazing!" I smiled in amazement and kept eating.

"I'm glad you like it! It was frustrating to make, I was worried as to how it would turn out" Dante admitted and rubbed the back of his neck.

For the rest of night, we remained speaking about random stuff, and laughing about events that happened in the past.

It was beginning to get dark. I was about to say we should be heading back soon until Dante cut off my thoughts.

"Hey, Vylad..... Can I ask you something?" Dante suddenly said, getting quieter than he normally was.

"Uhh, sure, what's up?" I replied curiously and looked into his sea, blue eyes.

"I understand if you don't feel the same way but, w-will you be my b-boyfriend?" Dante stuttered, but remained looking at me with all the confidence he had.

My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks heating up.

H-he liked me? Is this real? Am I dreaming?

"D-Dante...." I whispered back, my eyes softening.

"You don't have to! I don't expect you to feel the same way... I j-just... Please don't let this ruin our friendship. I'm sorry." Dante said, looking down at his lap as tears began welling up in the corner of his eyes.

"Dante... I-I like you too.." I admitted and shifted closed to him.

He looked up at me with wide eyes

"Y-You do?" He said and wiped his eyes.

"Y-Yeah... I've actually liked you for a very long time now... But I always thought you liked girls." I noted

"I honestly thought I did too.. But when I saw you... I just couldn't... I just felt.. Different..." Dante relied and moved closer to me, placing his hands on my cheeks.

"I love you so much.." Dante whispered before pulling me into a tender kiss.

I gasped into the kiss at first, but slowly started kissing back, my eyes closing.

The kiss didn't last too long, when it ended, my lips felt cold and lonely.

I was so lucky. 

And never had I guess that 7 years later, I'd be getting married to him.. ❤️


Sorry for not updating this book in such a long time 😭
I have lots of requests to do so I'll be getting into them! Thank you for reading 💙💚

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