Michi x Ivy | Mystreet

704 14 10

Ivy's P.O.V


"Hurry, Michi! Before they see us!" I shouted back at Michi as I grabbed her hand to run faster through the dark alley.

We had just been spotted by the police while graffitiing a bridge at the park.

"Michi~Chan is running as fast as she can!" Michi shouted back and starting puffing.

"We have to loose them!" I explained and eyed a rectangular-shaped garbage bin at the end of the alley.

The idea I had was going to be messy... But it was better than being arrested.

Without explaining, I picked Michi up into my arms and jumped into the garbage bin, closing it as fast as I could.

"Ivy!?! What the-!?!" Michi started but I quickly put my hand over her mouth.

The sound of footsteps creeped up the alley way.

"I swear I saw them turn down here!" One of the police that was chasing us said.

"Well clearly they aren't! Get your eyes checked! Let's check down the other buildings!" The second cop said, and I soon heard their footsteps getting faint as they ran further away.

That was a close one.

"Yuck! Out of all places, why a bin?!" Michi complained and stood up, opening the bin lid.

I laughed in return "it was the only solution, silly!" I smiled and hopped out of the bin, helping her out on the way.

"Well, at least Michi didn't get too dirty, unlike someone" she giggled and took a banana peel off my head

I laughed "Wow, thanks" I laughed again.

"Wanna go graffiti some more walls?" I smirked at her

"You bet!" She screeched in excitement "As long as we get to jump in more garbage bins so I can take banana peels off of you!" She joked.

"Haha, sure" I rolled my eyes as she skipped next to me, the moonlight of the sun lighting our path.


This was a request x333 I didn't really know what to do with this since I've never heard of this ship before, but it's actually SO cute now that I'm thinking about it more C:

Thanks for 1k reads ya'll ❤️

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