Vylad x Laurance | Phoenix Drop High

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Laurance's P.O.V

I was happily strolling down the busy halls of Phoenix Drop High, waving and smiling at anybody who greeted me as I walked passed.

I loved school. Everything about it made me happy. I had amazing friends here and everything felt so perfect.

"Hey Laurance!" I heard a familiar voice shout after me

I turned around to see no other than my bestfriend, Garroth.

"Hi man, what's up?" I said happily.

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to join Aphmau, Katelyn, and I in the cafeteria for weenie dogs!" Garroth replied

I laughed "Of course! I love weenies!" I laughed again and ran with him back to the cafeteria, ignoring the annoyed shouting from the hall monitors asking us to stop running.

Once we reached the table that Katelyn and Aphmau were sat at, we both sat down next to each other and helped ourselves to the many weenies that were in the middle of the table.

"So, Laurance, how's your day been?" Asked Aphmau, bringing up a conversation.

"It's been awesome! Surprising nothing has ha-" I was cut off by a loud, energetic yell coming from a table just a few tables away from us.

I looked over and saw no other than Gene and his annoying gang standing on a table, holding a brunette boy by his collar while his gang members squished pie and poured juice over him.

"That will teach you to steal my seat!" Gene laughed and refused to let the struggling, small boy go.

Many students sitting around and watching the the shadows knights smudge food into the poor boys face were all laughing and pointing.

No one even tried to help him.

I've recently been in the shadows Knights, and trust me, It's a long story but im no longer apart of their cruel games.

I instantly felt sympathy towards to boy being bullied, so I stood up and began running towards to the table, crowded by people.

I pushed past all the laughing students, who were recording the incident on their phones and laughing cheering the shadow Knights on.

Once I reached the front of the crowd I shouted so loudly that I even hurt my own ears.

"GENE!" I shouted

The crowd stop laughing and gene and his gang stopped pouring food onto the brunette boy and starred at me with shocked eyes.

"Ah, Laurance, the traitor, what brings you here? Care to join us again?" Gene mocked, causing Sasha and Zenix to start laughing

"No. I want you to stop harassing his poor boy, what did he ever do to you?" I spat and pointed at the young boy who Gene was still holding by the collar.

"Oh, you mean this freshman who stole my seat and refused to get up? Well, you see, he disrespected me so I disrespect him back." Gene said and glared at me.

"It's a seat. I don't see your name on it." I replied and crossed my arms.

Gene snickered.

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