Drake Castle

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The summer was early so the warm breeze made everything seem normal and calm.  This was the first time I had ever gone outside the walls of Rim Elm.  To the northwest, we could see the tiny-looking walls of what we guessed to be Drake Castle.  Its wall was pitch black and the river lead to a gray stone wall with a gate.  This was the gate that allowed water in and out of the caslte most likely. 

"We have a long way to go," I said as I saw the look of adventurous glory on Vahn's face.  His brown eyes dilated despite the bright sun shining down on us. 

Our first stop was to reach Hunters' Spring.  Father had told us that we would find water that would heal us from our injuries and most likely increase our Magic health as well.  Other hunters would be there to help us out on some fighting techniques.  Something told me they might not know all that much about fighting Seru monsters possessed by a crazy Mist.  Yup, they might just not know about that stuff.

Vahn brought me out of my daydreaming thoughts.  "Well, let's start.  It's now or never."

We hike for miles without speaking any words.  The ground was green but uneven and steep in some areas.  Now I knew why the hunters were so tired when they arrived home from their long journeys. 

I could see the Mist in the distance becoming more thick and fierce.  A dark, sorrowful, raging feeling came about me as I viewed it.  Then, suddenly, we saw a large ivory stone pool with crystal blue water.  Brilliant green bushes surrounded the pool and four individual statues flow water down to the ground.  Vahn and I walked reluctantly over to them and each of us took a drink of water.  It was clean and clear and was probably the best water I had ever tasted. 

"The Ra-Seru heroes!"

Vahn and I spluttered our water and swung around to view the owner of the loud, booming voice.

"Um, we're not really called heroes we're just-"

"Helpers," Vahn finished for me.

The man who had yelled had brown hair and toiled hunting clothes similar to Juno's.  He was wearing a triumphant look that made me laugh.  I couldn't help it.  He looked like a child who had just met the author of his favorite book.

"Uh, we just came to have some nourishment...and a bit of sleep," I told the hunter as I looked to the darkening sky.  Stars were starting to twinkle and I just now had noticed how wearing I was becoming.

"Well, we have some room for you here," the hunter responded politely.  He led us to some clearing next to the giant stone pool.  Never had I seen such beautiful water. 

I lied down on the prickly grass and reached for my back-pack I had brought on the journey.  I gingerly placed it under my head and closed my eyes.  Vahn eventually dropped next to me and pushed my hair from my face.  The last I remembered was his hands moving gracefully over my forehead.

I was awakened by a roar of thunder.  Off in the distance, I saw lighting and dark clouds coming towards us from the west. 

I rose from my stomach and turned to my left to find Vahn staring at the lighting as I was.  He turned to me and said, "We'd better make our way to Drake Castle."

We got up onto our feet and grabbed some canteens from our packs.  We filled them with water and gathered some Healing Leaves and some Magic Leaves.  Now we had to depart and continue our journey to Drake Castle.

We bid our farewells to the hunters and continued north west.  Drake Caste was coming closer and closer.  And as this happened, the Mist became thicker and more sorrowful. 

Miles past.  Hours drifted by slowly.  Rain was pouring and Vahn was catching cold. 

I fetched my extra jacket from my pack and wrapped it around Vahn.  We were almost there.

When we finally reached the castle, the doors called for serious strength to pull them open.  You could tell that no one had attempted to open them for years.  Rust prevented a smooth and quick entrance.

The door swung open and we walked into what once must have been a marketplace.  Metal bars blocked an entrance that led into the castle.  We simply pushed the red button next to the bars and it creaked open.  That seemed far too easy.

We entered a dark room.  The sound of a water tide came from somewhere in the castle.  A painting of a woman was plastered on the wall between two staircases.  We strode to the left stairwell and continued slowly up the stairs.  They were carpeted with a bright, royal red that must have once been beautiful. 

As we reached the top, we saw a row of three doors; we chose the one closest and saw people possessed by Seru behind wooden bars.  We walked over and saw pain and sorrow in the eyes of the Seru. 

Mete: This is what happens when humans wearing Seru when the Mist overcomes them.  If we take the Seru away from its host, then the host will die along with the Seru.  This is why we must rid the Mist.

Mule: Yes.  What Meta says is true.  Hurry!  We need to find the Genesis Tree in order for this to happen.  It can't be too far away!"

Vahn suddenly turned to wall over to a box.  Inside was a gold sparkling key.  The box was labeled "Sunrise Key."  Vahn opened the box and withdrew the key.  We then left the room and visited the room on the far right.  Nothing of great importance was in the room so we left.  The center door was our next destination.

The door was locked so we inserted the key we had found.  The doors opened into a dark stairway. 

On each side, there were flowing water sources that must have been leading out into the outside world.  The thunder had gotten louder and rain was pouring harder.  There was a door that led to a large room.  Another cell full of possessed Seru/people was in here.  One resembled a king.  My guess was that he was King Drake.  Another box was hidden in here containing the "Lighting Key."  We retrieved the key and made our way to the next door.

Another dark hallway with a dark stone staircase. 

We remained silent and kept a steady pace.  The sooner we got out of here the better.

And then we reached yet another room.  We took the door leading south east of where we were and found another case with the "Star Key."  We retrieved this one as well and made our way back to the hallway and inserted the key to the next door.  This passageway was again dark. 

Now we were in a room with ground for a floor.  We knew we were getting closer.  But we looked around a bit and discovered a door to a long hallway.  In one of the rooms was a bed.  Perfect. 

Meta and Mule talked with Vahn and I for a while and then stood guard while we slept.  The door was thick and sturdy enough so that the Mist couldn't enter the room.  I kissed Vahn on the cheek and finally closed my eyes. 

When we woke and were fully rested, we continued on to the previous room and made our way up the stairs.  Another room was to the south east.  In that room, we found the final key.  "Mountain Key."

We went back and inserted the key and walked up the stairs.  We were outside again. 

The storm was passing by and the air was humid and hot.  We continued north to where our journey would lead to Mt. Rikuroa.

After many miles of a continued silence, we came to the foot of Mount Rikuroa. 

Meta:  I sense a Genesis Tree.  Hurry!  Our friends...Our friends are waiting!

Mule:  Yes.  Hurry Kate!  The time is coming near.  We don't have much time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2012 ⏰

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