Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My name is Sophie Elizabeth Taylor. I'm 18 years old. And I've lived in Stratford my whole life. I live with my dad and my two sisters. My mom died a few years ago. It's been really hard on me and my family. Dad tries not to talk about it, but I can tell he misses her a lot. Ever since she died, things have just been different. I slipped into a depression for a while, and I lost some friends. But there's one boy who stayed by me through it all.

My best friend, Justin Bieber, he's just amazing. He stood by me through everything, through my depression and my moms death. He actually helped me get better. He would come over every day and hang out with me and comfort me, and tell me it was gonna be okay. He gave me a reason to smile. He was one of the only reasons I didn't wanna leave this world. And I thank him for that. Justin truly is my lifesaver and he'll always be my best friend. He helped me through so many problems and he's always proven that he genuinely cares. He has such a beautiful soul and heart. He thinks of others before himself. We're literally all each other has.

But little did I know, that he was dealing with his own problems.

Big ones.

I grabbed my phone as I got ready for school and sent Justin a message.

'You're not gonna be late again are you?'

Justin was most likely always late for school, but he never told me why. He would always just say that he got held up or distracted with something. I've been trying to help him and encourage him to leave earlier so he's not always late, but it just never works out.

My phone buzzed on the counter next to the sink while I stared into the mirror and applied my makeup. A little eye shadow with some mascara and some lipgloss.

From: Justin

'I dunno, I'll try not to be'

I smiled a little at the text, being able to hear his gentle and innocent voice in my head.

I fixed my hair over my shoulders, brushed my long side bangs back and walked out of my bathroom. I slipped on some black and white converse to compliment my dark skinny jeans and my royal purple tee shirt.

Spring was finally here!

I slipped my bag onto my shoulder, letting it settle against my hip/thigh, and jogged down the stairs holding onto the strap.

I started to head to the door when I was interrupted by my dads voice.

"You're not going to school without eating, are you?" He set a plate of pancakes down on the counter, giving me a big smile.

I shook my head, rolling my eyes and giggling. "No, of course not." I walked over to the island and took a seat, taking a few bites of pancakes.

Jessica, or as everybody calls her Jessie, who was only almost 6 years old and would be starting school next year when she did turn 6, sat in her chair next to me, eating her pancakes with her fork, her piggy tails hanging down over her ears.

I leaned over and gave her a kiss on her cool cheek.

My other sister Ashley came down the stairs with her bag on her shoulder, her makeup done and her hair flowing down toward the middle of her back. She's almost 20 and she graduates this year, because she was born in May and is older than her class.

She's very beautiful, and I get jealous of her sometimes for her beauty. She's that girl that all the guys wanna date or have a crush on, but she plays hard to get. I'm lucky if at least one guy, besides Justin, speaks to me at all in one day. Everybody loves Ashley, and sometimes it aggravates me. But she deserves the attention she gets. She's a great girl. She's fragile and tough at the same time. She's a lady with class and a bitch with an attitude when she needs to be, and I admire her for that.

Ashley grabbed a banana and walked toward the door. "Hey, I made pancakes!" Dad called after her. "I'm sorry dad but I have a test. Seeya guys later!" With that, she disappeared out the door.

I quickly finished my breakfast, gave dad and Jessie a kiss goodbye and ran out the door after Ash.

"Wait!" I ran over to her white car. "Can you give me a ride? I don't wanna take the bus." I inhaled gently, catching my breath.

"Hop in." She said and slid into the drivers seat. I slid into the opposite side and buckled in, fixing my hair. I thanked her and she drove to the school.

I walked up to the school and looked around for Justin, but he was nowhere to be seen. I checked my phone for any messages from him but all I had were a few notifications from twitter and Instagram.

I walked through the sea of people, feeling nothing but alone, and headed to my locker. I grabbed some books and headed down the hall to my class. I looked down toward Justin's locker but he wasn't there.

I let out a small sigh as I stepped into the classroom, cradling my books in my arm, holding the strap of my bag with my other hand.

I wish I knew what was always holding him up.


So yeah, this is chapter 1! What do you guys think so far? Please vote and comment as well, letting me know what you think! I'd really appreciate it! It might take me a while to update but just bare with me, it'll be worth it :)

-unfbizzle ♡

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