Chapter 8

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It had been such a long day, and finally I could lay down and get some rest. I could finally sleep knowing that Justin was here, safe with me, and knowing that his dad was put away and that he couldn't hurt Justin again.

I nuzzled down into my warm blankets and after what felt like forever, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

It had to have been a couple hours later that I heard my door creek open and heard soft footsteps making their way across the floor. My eyes shot open as my heart started to race. "Who's there?" I asked softly.

"Shhh, it's just me." he said softly, making his way over. I saw his dark silhouette appear over me. It was Justin.

"Justin?" I adjusted myself onto my back. "What are you doing up?"

"Can't sleep." He simply said in a soft, sexy voice. My stomach fluttered.

"Is everything okay?" I started to sit up but he stopped me. Touching his hand to my shoulder, he urged me to lay back down. "Yes." He said softly.

Before I knew it, he put his leg over me and got on top of me, straddling my lower body. He brushed his warm hand over my cheek.

"Justin?" I watched him, but he said nothing.

Suddenly, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Oh my god. What is he doing? It felt so wrong but so right at the same time. I found myself kissing him back anyways. His lips were so warm and soft, I honestly couldn't resist. Slowly we began to make out, and my breathing grew quicker and deeper as our tongues danced together. His hands slowly began to travel down my body.

And that's when I woke up.

Everything disappeared right before my eyes, and suddenly it was morning and I could smell breakfast. Nervously, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I got up with wobbly legs and went downstairs.

When I got down to the kitchen, I saw Jessie and Ash sitting at the island eating breakfast. All over the table there was every breakfast food imaginable. Pancakes, waffles, eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, fruit. And at the stove, there he stood. Justin.

"Morning honey!" My dad exclaimed from the table. "Justin made breakfast! Have a seat."

I looked at my dad and then at Justin, making my way over to the island and sitting down next to Ashley. While Justin was making more pancakes, he turned and looked at me, giving me a charming smile. "Hungry?" He said.

"Yeah," I stuttered, giving him a small smile. All I could think about was that dream I had. It was weird for me to even be in the same room with him. It was just...weird.

Justin set a plate of food down in front of me, then went back over to the stove. I turned to Ashley.

"How long has he been up?" I asked softly so that he wouldn't here. Ashley adjusted her long blonde hair over her shoulder. "Dad said he's been up since 7. Making all of this."

I looked at Justin and watched him. He was definitely doing better. Though he was leaning on one crutch, it seemed so effortless that he didn't even need it. His bruises were already healing. He was looking better already. I found myself staring. His hair was messy but it looked good. His white shirt clung to his biceps and was loose around his torso. His grey sweatpants were baggy around his legs. He just looked so good.

I enjoyed looking at him, I realized.

Justin's P.O.V

I knew Sophie was staring at me. I knew she'd like this side of me. I made sure my shirt was a little tight, and I was sure to style my hair just right. And my bruises were just starting to heal, so they looked kinda, I hate to say it, good. And what girl doesn't like a guy who gets up and cooks breakfast for everybody?

My plan was working. I was making her fall for me. Everything was going perfectly. C'mon, I'm irresistible. And once she's mine...then the good stuff.

What am I saying? I love Sophie. I can't hurt

But she called the cops. When I specifically told her not to. She promised! And she broke that promise. Friends don't break promises. Now I look like the biggest wimp ever. I could have stood up to my dad, I could have took him down. But no, the cops showed up all because of her.

This has to be done.


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've been busy with school so xD it started last month. And I'm sorry this chapter is kinda dumb and short. I was kinda out of it while I was writing. Anyways I'm gonna try and post more! Also I added pictures to each chapter so go check them out :) thanks for reading and sorry for making y'all wait so long! Love you all!

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